
  • The House passed the VA Accountability Act of 2015, which would give the Veterans Affairs Department the power to remove or demote a VA employee based on misconduct or performance.

    July 30, 2015
  • Whistleblowers told a House committee that managers at the Environmental Protection Agency turned a blind eye to allegations of sexual harassment for more than a decade.

    July 30, 2015
  • If you want more time off in your next life, consider running for Congress, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    July 30, 2015
  • Employees at the headquarters at the Department of Veterans Affairs have the ear of Congress. The Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee — Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) — tells In Depth with Francis Rose his most recent visit to VA included discussions with employees at every level of the agency.

    July 29, 2015
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved legislation Wednesday to enhance agencies' ability to protect themselves from cyber attacks.

    July 29, 2015
  • The executive branch has gotten the DATA Act off to a good start by meeting its first deadline, Obama administration officials, auditors and lawmakers agree. But persistent problems with the data itself threaten to undermine the financial transparency at the heart of the law.

    July 29, 2015
  • The year-old DATA Act is forcing agencies to standardize their financial data. And, even without a law, Congress and regulatory agencies slowly are doing the same with legislation and regulations.

    July 29, 2015
  • Almost all of the good news in mid-2015 is that most of the pending bad news hasn't panned out, at least not yet, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    July 29, 2015
  • This week on "Your Turn", Katie Maddocks and Greg Stanford of the Federal Managers Association, will bring us up to date on what Congress is doing, and what's likely to happen soon, and during the 2016 election year. July 29, 2015

    July 28, 2015
  • The DATA Act is forcing agencies to standardize their financial information. The Office of Management and Budget will tell House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittees on Information Technology and Government Operations about its plans to implement the DATA Act at a hearing on Wednesday. Hudson Hollister is the director of the Data Transparency Coalition. He tells Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp about the changes agencies will soon have to deal with.

    July 28, 2015
  • The House has a number of bills on its calendar this week that, if enacted, could have significant impacts on federal employees and their dependents.

    July 28, 2015
  • Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations, told In Depth with Francis Rose that he's pleasantly surprised by acting OPM Director Beth Cobert's outreach efforts.

    July 28, 2015
  • Congress has just this work week left until it adjourns for a month-long recess. The to-do list is long. And the Senate has barely finished work on 12 appropriations bills. House Speaker John Boehner says the Congress will have to settle for a continuing resolution this year to avoid a government shutdown in the fall. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He's keeping an eye on the congressional calendar and tells In Depth with Francis Rose that there just aren't enough days left before the fiscal year ends.

    July 27, 2015
  • The Internal Revenue Service has holes that look like Swiss cheese all throughout its business operations. Appropriations at the IRS are down nearly 7 percent over the last four fiscal years. And Congress won't likely pass an appropriations bill that comes close to the $13 billion President Barack Obama requested for the IR-S in fiscal 2016. Staff at the agency's Human Capital Office, Office of Chief Counsel, and Small Business -Self Employed Division has already been cut by 16 to 30 percent. Jay McTigue is director of tax issues for the Government Accountability Office's strategic issues team. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose how years of budget cuts are affecting the IRS.

    July 27, 2015