
  • No new recommendations when you're on the high risk list might seem like good news. But the Government Accountability Office says that's partly because it's already made more than 2,100 recommendations since the Homeland Security Department was stood up in 2003. The GAO's latest look at DHS high risk list items shows more than a third of them still need work. David Maurer, director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues at the Government Accountability Office, is writing about some of the ongoing leadership problems that are keeping the department on the high risk list. He joined In Depth with Francis Rose to talk about it.

    May 13, 2014
  • The House is close to considering a bill to drastically change the National Security Agency's surveillance programs. The bill was approved by the Judiciary and Intelligence committees last week. It would end the NSA's practice of storing telecommunications meta-data in its own data centers. For what to expect next, Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp spoke to Julian Hattem, a staff writer for The Hill newspaper.

    May 13, 2014
  • The House Small Business Committee chairman said the recent listing to hire a new director for the Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization doesn't meet the updated requirements for the position as outlined in the 2013 Defense authorization bill.

    May 13, 2014
  • Federal Chief Information Officer Steve Van Roekel rolls out the Smarter IT Delivery Agenda. Its goal is to improve the way federal agencies buy IT. Van Roekel introduced the agenda yesterday at a hearing about IT acquisition in the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee. David Powner, director of information technology management issues at the Government Accountability Office, was a witness on the same panel as Van Roekel and GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose what his primary message for the committee was.

    May 09, 2014
  • Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller and Federal Times Senior Writer Andy Medici will discuss OMB's budget guidance memo, and OPM Director Katherine Archuleta will give us an update on Public Service Recognition Week. May 7, 2014

    May 07, 2014
  • The House Armed Services Committee releases a blueprint of the National Defense Authorization Act. The $601 billion measure hardly resembles the Pentagon's wish list. It rejects most of the department's ideas for saving money. Staff writer Martin Matishak has been following this closely for the Hill Newspaper. He provided insight for Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp.

    May 06, 2014
  • Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has released a $601 billion spending plan that saves the Cold War era U-2 spy plane from the chopping block and also would force the Pentagon to keep the A-10 Warthog in storage. It's all a part of a plan resulting in smaller military budgets after 13 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ironically, though, the plan also denies the Pentagon's request for another round of military base closures to get rid of unnecessary facilities and save $1.4 billion.

    May 06, 2014
  • Congress is one week into its longest work session of the year. Members will be on the Hill for the next eight weeks. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, tells In Depth with Francis Rose the partisan divide may melt away in five key areas.

    May 05, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management's Innovation Lab needs to prove it's worth keeping around, according to the Government Accountability Office. GAO says the lab doesn't have performance metrics to show how much its ideas are actually helping other agencies. Seto Bagdoyan, acting director of audit services for GAO's Forensic Audits and Investigative Service, tells In Depth with Francis Rose your agency's innovative problem-solvers need help proving they actually exist.

    May 05, 2014
  • The organization says a series of whistleblowers and investigative reports show a "pattern of bureaucratic incompetence and failed leadership" among VA senior leaders. This is the first time in more than 30 years the American Legion has called for the removal of a public official.

    May 05, 2014
  • "Inside the DoD's Reporter's Notebook" is biweekly feature focused on news about the Defense Department and defense community as gathered by Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu.

    May 02, 2014
  • What are the fiscal, management, and performance challenges facing government executives? What is the goal of GAO's High Risk List and what are some of the key "high risk" areas? How can audit agencies change the way they do business to properly respond to 21st century governance challenges? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Chris Mihm, managing director, strategic issues, Government Accountability Office.

    May 02, 2014
  • The House Armed Services Committee will soon mark up the National Defense Authorization Act. But all the subcommittee markups may be for nothing. The Obama Administration says it can't submit an Overseas Contingency Operation budget until it knows the results of the election in Afghanistan and some leaders in the House say the NDAA doesn't mean much without the OCO budget request. Roger Zakheim is counsel at Covington and Burling and former general counsel and deputy staff director of the House Armed Services Committee and former deputy assistant secretary of Defense. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose the next round of defense spending negotiations might not mean anything.

    May 01, 2014
  • The House passed the GI Tuition Fairness Act of 2013 on Wednesday that includes an amendment to stop all bonuses for senior executives at the VA for five years. The chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee says it will instill some much-needed accountability to the department.

    May 01, 2014