
  • GAO reviewed the administration\'s implementation of the July 2010 memo calling for a government-wide review of financial management projects. Auditors found about half of the projects said there was no change in cost and three-quarters said their schedule remained the same.

    March 15, 2012
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has given the Obama administration a C- for management under the Freedom of Information Act. Auditors based their grade on transparency work by 17 cabinet-level departments. Auditors evaluated how agencies track and make decisions about FOIA requests, but they did not examine whether agencies are meeting their legal responsibilities.

    March 15, 2012
  • Senior Executives Association President Carol Bonosaro spoke to Senior Correspondent Mike Causey about her agency\'s opposition to a bill that would require SESer to be more mobile.

    March 15, 2012
  • Lawmakers weigh public\'s right to know against the need to protect cyber secrets. Sen. Patrick Leahy\'s (D-Vt.) provision in 2012 Defense authorization bill tightens the definition of \"exemptions,\" but he questions the need for further rules to give agencies power to withhold information.

    March 15, 2012
  • Host Mike Causey will talk career mobility with Carol Bonosaro, president of the Senior Executives Service. Federal Times Senior Writers Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly will talk about how pending legislation in Congress will affect your pay and benefits. March 14, 2012

    March 14, 2012
  • The four sitting commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission have \"grave concerns\" about a House committee\'s plan to relocate the agency out of its historic Pennsylvania Ave. location into a privately held building in Southwest, Washington D.C. Eileen Harrington, FTC\'s executive director, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss a plan in Congress that would require the FTC to relocate to make room for the National Gallery of Art.

    March 14, 2012
  • The Senate voted Wednesday to overhaul transportation programs and keep aid flowing to thousands of construction projects while strengthening highway. The $109 billion measure, approved in a 74-22 vote, included a number of amendments affecting federal pay and benefits, including a provision to allows \"phased retirements\" for federal employees and an expansion of an expired mass-transit subsidy.

    March 14, 2012
  • Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said Wednesday that his committee\'s 2013 DoD authorization bill will undo Defense spending cuts the Pentagon has already proposed.

    March 14, 2012
  • Andrew Restuccia, reporter for the Hill, gives an update on the debate.

    March 14, 2012
  • Federal investigators expressed concerns Monday for the safety of some female veterans who rely on homeless shelters after inspections showed women housed in shelters approved only for men.

    March 14, 2012
  • Unless it\'s an emergency, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told Defense Secretary Leon Panetta he would block requests by the Defense Department for reprogramming requests to move money between budget accounts.

    March 14, 2012
  • Host Roger Waldron and Jim Schweiter, partner at McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP will talk about legislation affecting the contracting community. March 13, 2012

    March 13, 2012
  • Dr. James Carafano, director of the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, discussed his perspective on the 2013 defense budget request.

    March 13, 2012
  • The Senate has defeated an amendment to a transportation bill that would have extended the federal pay freeze through 2013. In a 57-41 vote, lawmakers rejected the amendment, introduced last week by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.). The measure needed 60 votes to pass. Federal unions applauded the news.

    March 13, 2012