
  • The bill — Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness Act of 2011 (H.R. 3674) — names DHS as the \"single focal point for protecting federal networks and systems,\" as well as for private sector critical infrastructure, said bill sponsor Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.).

    February 07, 2012
  • No matter what condition your hair is in, the vast majority of federal workers get a new wig every one, two or three years. But that may be about to change, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 07, 2012
  • Host Mark Amtower interviews American Small Business Coalition Chief Visionary Officer Guy Timberlake. They will talk about the goals and mission of the organization. February 6, 2012(Encore presentation March 5, 2012)

    February 07, 2012
  • Federal unions and some lawmakers have lambasted a proposed bill that would make changes to federal retirement benefits. The \"Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012\" is set to go before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Tuesday for a markup session, in which lawmakers will be able to introduce amendments.

    February 06, 2012
  • A new letter, signed by Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), calls on the Office of Management and Budget to take on the \"urgent matter\" of processing federal retirements. The letter comes a week after a Senate subcommittee hearing in which the Office of Personnel Management was taken to task for its handling of the longstanding backlog.

    February 06, 2012
  • As Pentagon budgets become tighter, the Defense Department is looking for ways to cut costs in weapons systems. But the only way to make cuts is to know how and where money is being spent. Ostensibly, the full lifecycle-cost estimates for DoD\'s major acquisition programs are collected in the Pentagon\'s selected acquisition report — or SAR. Cary Russell, the acting director for defense capabilities and management issues at GAO, told In Depth with Francis Rose the reports contain \"inconsistent\" information.

    February 06, 2012
  • Pam Turner, managing director at the Prime Policy Group, said most inquiries from the Hill to federal agencies go through the agency\'s office of legislative affairs.

    February 06, 2012
  • Every House document will go into a new website. The goal is to make them more accessible to the public. The legislation will be posted using Extensible Markup Language, or XML. That will make what\'s in a bill easier to find, and the bills themselves more visible to search engines.

    February 06, 2012
  • A bill in the House would prohibit within-grade pay increases through 2012 for federal employees.

    February 06, 2012
  • As a House-Senate conference committee continues negotiations over how to extend the payroll tax cut, ahead of a Feb. 29 deadline, there\'s at least one issue that has never left the table: federal pay and benefits. The eight House Republicans on the conference committee all voted in support of the stand-alone pay freeze bill. Of the five House Democrats, only Rep. Allyson Schwartz, of Pennsylvania, voted yes on the bill.

    February 03, 2012
  • GOP senators unveiled a bill Thursday that would grant the Defense Department a one-year reprieve from \"sequestration\" cuts. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the proposal \"skullduggery.\"

    February 03, 2012
  • Now that government workers are under attack by politicians, how much clout do federal and postal workers have, and are they going to use it in November? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey searches for answers.

    February 03, 2012
  • Mike Brostek, the director of tax issues at GAO, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the watchdog agency\'s recommendations for the IRS program that compares sources of tax information.

    February 02, 2012
  • A bill introduced in the House aims to increase the subcontracting transparency and pass-through contracts to large companies.

    February 02, 2012