
  • IBM has protested the Veterans Affairs Department\'s multi-billion dollar information technology contract, under the Transformation 21 Total Technology (T4) program.

    August 05, 2011
  • FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt told Federal News Radio he is optimistic FAA employees could be back to work as early as Monday following the two-week partial shutdown that furloughed 4,000 workers. Babbitt said the partisan fighting that sidelined the agency \"is not any way to run the world\'s greatest and safest aviation system.\"

    August 05, 2011
  • Louis Dupart, the executive director of the FAA Managers Association, joined the Federal Drive to discuss the organization\'s fundraising activities on hehalf of furloughed feds. Congress is one step closer to approving a short-term spending measure that would end the partial shutdown at the agency.

    August 05, 2011
  • Leon Panetta, in his first news conference as defense secretary, said a potential second round of Pentagon budget cutting, set up as a failsafe, by this week\'s debt-ceiling deal would be a doomsday scenario for the military. The additional $500 billion cut would be \"completely unacceptable,\" he added.

    August 05, 2011
  • A bill introduced this week in the Senate proposes to extend the current federal pay freeze for three more years and cut the federal workforce by 15 percent.

    August 04, 2011
  • The Government Accountability Office says many of the 24 biggest agencies are still struggling with how to use social media effectively

    August 04, 2011
  • The 40 safety inspectors working despite being a part of the 4,000 furloughed employees during the Federal Aviation Administration\'s budget impasse in Congress are deemed essential or critical employees.

    August 04, 2011
  • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says there is bipartisan compromise to end the partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration that has furloughed 4,000 FAA employees and left 74,000 transportation and construction workers idled.

    August 04, 2011
  • By Jack Moore Federal News Radio The FAA remains in a state of partial shutdown: Some 4,000 employees have been furloughed, more than 200 airport construction projects have been put on hold and about 70,000…

    August 04, 2011
  • Congress failed Tuesday to act on an FAA reauthorization bill before the adjournment of both houses for the August recess. The failure to act will extend the furlough of 4,000 workers into mid-September.

    August 03, 2011
  • Cindy Troutman, the president of CGH Technologies, joined In Depth with Francis Rose, to give her perspective and to provide one snapshot of how the partial shutdown at FAA is affecting contractors.

    August 02, 2011
  • Congress appeared poised Tuesday to adjourn for their summer recess without coming to an agreement on an FAA reauthorization bill. The failure to act would extend the furlough of 4,000 workers into mid-September. \"We haven\'t done our jobs,\" Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) told Federal News Radio Tuesday morning, calling Congress \"dysfunctional.\"

    August 02, 2011
  • Dan Adcock, the legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association told Federal News Radio that the initial round of budget savings imposed by the debt-limit deal is only the first round of possible cuts to agencies and federal pay and benefits.

    August 02, 2011
  • Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is urging Congress to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration before lawmakers fly home for the August break. LaHood said 4,000 FAA employees, about 70,000 workers in the private sector and more than 200 airport projects are depending on them.

    August 02, 2011