Special Bulletin Review: Securing our Citizens while Modernizing

  • The troubled HealthCare.gov website has been the subject of at least one attempted but unsuccessful cyber attack, according to one of the of the Homeland Security Department's top cyber officials. Lawmakers at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing said the consolidation of personal information and the glitch-prone website are cause for concern.

    November 13, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will examine NIST's preliminary cybersecurity framework, and Google's lobbying efforts. November 7, 2013

    November 07, 2013
  • Col. Jim Ekvall, chief of the electronic warfare division, joins Federal News Radio DoD reporter Jared Serbu on this week's edition of On DoD.

    November 06, 2013
  • The Homeland Security Department has received a mixed report from the inspector general on coordinating cyber operations across government, along with seven recommendations for improvement.

    November 05, 2013
  • Adobe Systems Inc. says that the scope of a cyber-security breach disclosed nearly a month ago was much worse than initially reported. They now say attackers obtained data on more than 38 million customer accounts. The software maker also said that hackers had stolen part of the source code to Photoshop editing software that is widely used by professional photographers.

    November 04, 2013
  • Singapore's government is on heightened alert for cyber-attacks after threats from claiming to be from international hacking collective Anonymous defaced several web sites in the city-state and threatened further action. "Government agencies have been on heightened vigilance and have enhanced the security of their IT systems in response to the declared threats against the government's ICT infrastructure," the Infocommunications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) said in a statement.

    November 04, 2013
  • The Homeland Security Department plans to send the final draft version of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan to President Barack Obama this week. Some industry experts say DHS failed to incorporate much of what was discussed at 30 meetings.

    November 04, 2013
  • Army Research Lab is partnering with universities and scientists to explore the psychology behind cybersecurity.

    October 31, 2013
  • In a message to senior executives, Secretary Eric Shinseki said that Stephen Warren now will hold the title of executive in charge, Office of Information and Technology and chief information officer. The title change comes as the House Veterans Affairs Committee is turning up on the heat once again on the agency's ability to secure its systems and protect data.

    October 30, 2013
  • With the partial government shutdown behind them, members of Congress are working on several bills that impact the federal workforce, including a resolution that supports ending the federal pay freeze and a bill that tackles the claims backlog at Veterans Affairs.

    October 29, 2013
  • Israel's military chief Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz says computer sabotage is a major concern and he warned a sophisticated cyber-attack could one day bring the nation to a standstill. In fact, a month before his address, a major artery in Israel's national road network in the northern city of Haifa was shut down because of a cyber-attack by a Trojan horse. Key operations were knocked out of commission for two days causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.

    October 28, 2013
  • A British man has been arrested in England and charged by the United States and Britain with infiltrating U.S. government computer systems, including those run by the military, to steal confidential data and disrupt operations, the Associated Press reports. U.S. prosecutors said the alleged hacker, Lauri Love, infiltrated thousands of computer systems including those of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. space agency NASA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    October 28, 2013
  • The Army still doesn't know whether its new and growing force of soldiers dedicated to cyber missions is large enough for the task. But it's certain it doesn't have the legal authorities it needs to attract and retain the talent it wants.

    October 28, 2013
  • Earl Crane, senior principal at Promontory Financial Group, was Francis Rose's guest in studio for Industry Chatter.

    October 24, 2013