
  • Looking for something to take your mind off the pending pay freeze extension? If so, consider the prospect of higher taxes, lower take-home pay and higher health insurance premiums, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 14, 2012
  • Among six federal agencies surveyed, few are using a defense waiver allowing partially retired workers to collect a salary and their full pension benefit, a new Government Accountability Office report says.

    September 11, 2012
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Has the long-feared retirement tsunami hit the federal government? And if so, could the so- called brain drain be a career life-saver for tens of thousands of unemployed or under employed millennials?

    September 10, 2012
  • If Uncle Sam really drives off the sequestration cliff in January, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Do you have a job parachute?

    September 07, 2012
  • Federal employees submitted nearly 9,000 retirement claims in August - more than in any other month besides January, which typically sees a wave of feds taking retirement. The Office of Personnel Management received 8,973 retirement claims in August, nearly a thousand more than it projected. The agency processed 11,896 claims, also surpassing its goals.

    September 05, 2012
  • Kim Weaver, director of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, told In Depth with Francis Rose feds will soon be able to access videos online explaining some of the more complicated aspects of their Thrift Savings Plan accounts.

    August 29, 2012
  • What do you see when you look in the mirror? Is it a dedicated IRS auditor, a serious federal agent or a compassionate VA employee? Or, do you have a Charles Dickens moment and spot the ghost of Christmas Future - you after you have retired? While feds have mostly held on to their jobs, things could change quickly, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    August 29, 2012
  • Jenny Mattingley hosts of roundtable discussion of legislation pending in Congress that affect federal workers. August 24, 2012

    August 24, 2012
  • We've been to the surface of the moon, and the bottom of the ocean but as yet, no one has answered the eternal question: Is there life after retirement? Today we have some clues, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    August 23, 2012
  • Host Mike Causey moderates a roundtable discussion of sequestration, postal service buyouts, and more. August 15, 2012

    August 15, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management released a factsheet to federal agencies in July explaining what phased retirement is and how it will work.

    August 14, 2012
  • Unless you get a better offer or drop dead before your time odds are you are going to eventually retire from the government...maybe in the same job you have now. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, how soon should your realistic retirement planning begin.

    August 13, 2012
  • Are you a lifer, or are you waiting for Uncle Sam to show-you-the-money? Buyout offers abound in government but many employees say the tough economy is a good reason to stay on the job. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks have you hit the tipping point yet?

    August 08, 2012
  • The payroll tax cut deal made earlier this year included provisions to increase new federal employees' retirement contributions. We've posted a chart detailing how much employees and agencies will contribute.

    August 07, 2012