
  • In the famous folk song, railroad worker Big Jim Goff is blown a mile into the air by a premature explosion. Come the next payday, he's a dollar short. The mean foreman informs him, he was docked for the time he was up in the sky. That scenario is not so far-fetched. The same issues come up in modern workplaces, federal and private sector. Employment attorney Heidi Burakiewicz, a partner with Mehri and Skalet, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss two cases — one in the federal sector and one in the private.

    December 18, 2014
  • Carol Bonosaro, president of the Senior Executives Association, will give her thoughts on President Barack Obama's speech to members of the Senior Executives Service. December 17, 2014

    December 17, 2014
  • Budget pressure is pushing the "pay for results" concept to a tipping point. That's what Steve Kelman sees, at least. He's professor of public management at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and former Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said the pay for results idea has been growing for a while, but now it's taking off.

    December 17, 2014
  • The goal of S. 1691, or the 2014 Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act, is to address and streamline Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime (AUO), the extra pay agents receive when their work demands they remain on the job beyond scheduled hours.

    December 12, 2014
  • When Congress resumes, Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton is set to introduce a bill that directs federal agencies to give preferential points to federal government vendors based on their labor practices. Norton's is the latest in a series of bills and orders designed to improve working conditions for federal contracting employees.

    October 30, 2014
  • Don't worry. That mournful sound you're hearing is just federal, military and Social Security retirees reacting to the low cost of living adjustment they'll be receiving come January, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    October 23, 2014
  • This is the third year in a row that cost-of-living adjustments for federal retirees, Social Security recipients and disabled veterans will be less than 2 percent.

    October 22, 2014
  • Congressional Republicans probe for answers following a GAO report that the government spent nearly $3.1 billion in paid administrative leave over a recent 3-year period. While most employees took such leave for a week or less, 263 spent a year or longer on paid administrative leave.

    October 21, 2014
  • The Federal Salary Council voted Friday to add 13 cities to a list of municipalities where federal employees are paid more, in an effort to close a growing wage gap between feds and private-sector counterparts in certain regions of the country. 12 of the 13 recommendations had been approved previously but have gone unimplemented by the President's Pay Agent, frustrating federal employees and the unions representing feds in those areas.

    October 17, 2014
  • The Department of Labor released its final rule for a minimum wage hike for federal contracting employees by 2015.

    October 09, 2014
  • Vermont and Rhode Island lawmakers were among those in Congress who consistently voted in favor of federal workers and retirees, according to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association's latest scorecard.

    October 02, 2014
  • Pay, pensions and health insurance premiums are all going up in the next several months. But definitely not at the same rate, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. White collar workers know what their January 2015 raise will be. But the cost of living adjustment for retirees is still to be decided, and new (and in some cases higher) health premiums will be unveiled in October.

    September 29, 2014
  • A 1 percent pay raise is in the works for federal employees and military members. But are people happy about it? The answer is yes and no, depending on who you ask. We asked, and you answered at Federal News Federal News Radio's Web Manager Julia Ziegler joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with details.

    September 05, 2014
  • Although feds received a 1 percent pay raise last January and can expect a repeat come 2015, they may still be feeling the effects of the Great Recession, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    September 04, 2014