
  • With advancements in technology and service delivery, government agencies are faced with the challenge to keep pace with rising expectations from the public to deliver the same level of service received in the private sector or better. In order to deliver on this expectation, government agencies are faced with creating a cultural shift that literally shapes a new citizen engagement strategy involving technology, policy, programs, collaboration intra/inter-agency, customer friendly interaction and two-way mechanisms for feedback and best practices in service delivery. With the number of citizens who will require government service interactions growing literally every day, and those very same citizens demanding a leadership role in how they receive those services, "customer-centric government" is no longer a buzz word, but a necessity.

    December 04, 2013
  • Two key contributors to the 1996 Clinger-Cohen Act say there is nothing wrong with the current IT management laws. Agencies and Congress just need to improve how they implement and enforce the IT management directives set out by the law. The Senate is expected to pass the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act next week.

    December 04, 2013
  • Mehul Sanghani and Jeremy Kolonay, from the Octo Consulting Group will discuss agile software development with host John Gilroy. December 3, 2013

    December 03, 2013
  • The Homeland Security Department's Office of Inspector General took a look at DHS' information security program and practices and found them lacking.

    December 03, 2013
  • Some blame procurement for's troubles, but the root of the problem with the government's health care website is a matter of pure project management.

    December 03, 2013
  • GovTribe's new app provides instant delivery of changes in solicitations from specific agencies or specific product categories.

    December 03, 2013
  • National Security Advisor Susan Rice has sent a strong message to the Chinese. During a speech at Georgetown University, she said, "Cyber-enabled economic espionage hurts China as well as the U.S., because American businesses are increasingly concerned about the costs of doing business in China." U.S. Intelligence officials have been sounding alarms about China's high tempo of economic espionage for more than a decade.

    December 03, 2013
  • You've heard of Stuxnet --the destructive computer virus unleashed on Iran's nuclear facilities. It was believed to be the world's first cyber weapon. But now we're learning that it has a twin --and the twin actually came first and started eating away at Iran's nuclear facility at Natanz years before the more public version we learned about in 2010. The bad news for Iran's nuclear programmers is that it's not really clear how broad the Stuxnet family is.

    December 03, 2013
  • CYPTOLOCKER is a type of Ransomware that restricts access to infected computers and requires victims to pay a ransom in order to rescue their computers from criminals who take them over. It's so sophisticated that one US police force was hit by the virus and forced to pay a ransom using a new virtual currency called bit coins. Pfishing emails --which look legitimate, with subject lines like "payroll or package delivery" are the usual method of delivery.

    December 03, 2013
  • Every day it seems there's a new Cyber Security threat. Everything from ransom ware to zero day issues. Cyber security insurance has been the way that companies have tried to offset the risk of online attacks and data loss, but the insurers were missing the information they needed to convince potential clients to buy their products. But now threat intelligence is helping them gauge the risk that potential customers might encounter.

    December 03, 2013
  • The Marine Corps is trying to develop ways to automatically push the vast array of intelligence information gathered by military sensors to low-level marines on the battlefield.

    December 02, 2013
  • Through the back-end attribute exchange, agencies can have a standard way for different organizations to safely and securely share sensitive information. The Justice Department conducted a pilot earlier this year and found success with state and local law enforcement agencies accessing the Regional Information Sharing System.

    November 29, 2013
  • Deron Burba, the Smithsonian's CIO, said the organization will launch 3-D technology this fall to let researchers and others explore digital images like never before. November 28, 2013

    November 28, 2013
  • The Government Accountability Office studied how well the Census Bureau is preparing for the 2020 decennial. When it comes to field testing, the bureau is making progress on following a list of key practices GAO identified.

    November 27, 2013



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