
  • Brad Antle, the president and CEO of Salient Federal Solutions, joined Industry Chatter with Francis Rose to discuss the federal market space and how his company leverages agile development.

    February 02, 2012
  • The agency will fund five-to-eight projects between $1.25 million and $2 million for up to two years. The pilot programs will cover NSTIC\'s four principles to make identity management secure, interoperable, privacy-enhancing and cost effective.

    February 02, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management has a new strategy for tackling its backlog of 62,000 retirement applications. But, after 25 years of hearing such promises, lawmakers are skeptical. The Senate Homeland Security and Government Reform Subcommittee on Oversight brought agency director John Berry to Capitol Hill to explain why this strategy is different.

    February 02, 2012
  • Interior Department launches new portal that allows employees to access the agency\'s internal network using their own mobile devices. Starting today, employees can use a tablet or smartphone to record time and attendance.

    February 02, 2012
  • The bill is sponsored by California Congressman Dan Lungren. It mirrors the Senate version by protecting critical infrastructure, expanding the role of the Homeland Security Department and sharing threat data with the private sector.

    February 02, 2012
  • The Navy has awarded a contract worth up to 638-million dollars to modernize the IT infrastructure aboard its ships. The Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services, or CANES project, will consolidate at least five different network architecutures that grew up on Navy ships in a stovepiped fashion. The goal is to install the system on 180 ships, submarines and maritime operations centers by the year 2020. The first CANES installation is scheduled to go live on a Navy destroyer later this year.

    February 02, 2012
  • The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is working to identify some best practices for mobile devices. The project aims to help medical providers secure and protect health information on laptops, tablets and smartphones as those devices continue to proliferate throughout the clinical sector. The ONC will gather public input to identify good practices. It then plans to spread those practices through what it promises will be clear, concise, easy to understand language.

    February 02, 2012
  • A new emergency alert system will allow 50,000 Transportation Security Administration employees to be able receive the same message at the same time thanks to a new cooperative effort with the U.S. Coast Guard.

    February 01, 2012
  • Host John Gilroy is joined by Oracle Group Vice President and Chief Technologist Peter Doolan. They will discuss new \"Big Data\" software developed by the company. January 31, 2012

    January 31, 2012
  • Jim Lewis, a senior fellow and director of the Technology and Public Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the rising profile of cybersecurity in the Defense Department — even as officials have announced impending budget cuts.

    January 31, 2012
  • Tony Montemarano, the director of strategic planning and information at DISA, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss DISA\'s efforts in enterprise IT.

    January 31, 2012
  • Tom Simmons, an expert on federal telework initiatives and vice president for Federal Systems at Citrix Systems, says that while the Telework Enhancement Act made greater mobility a mandate, a cultural shift in the workforce may be a driving factor behind an increase teleworking.

    January 31, 2012
  • As Congress prepares to take up a slew of cybersecurity legislation, one privacy advocate group is calling on lawmakers to include strong privacy protections into any bill it considers.

    January 31, 2012
  • Researchers at Symantec say they found more evidence linking attacks on defense contractors to hackers based in China.

    January 31, 2012



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