
  • The Merit Systems Protection Board wants federal managers and Congress to know exactly what it takes to fire a federal employee — and why you can\'t do so arbitrarily or capriciously. That\'s the subject of the agency\'s just-released report on due process. It outlines how the government handles adverse personnel actions in the civil service, and examines the laws and constitutional protections on due process employees enjoy. Susan Tsui Grundmann is chairwoman of the MSPB. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to review the report. She said it should clear up some misconceptions that have been circling in the press.

    May 12, 2015
  • A new survey federal CHCOs, deputy CHCOs and CLOs by Federal News Radio found budget challenges and workforce turnover is causing agencies to value training and education even more. This is putting chief learning officers in a new and more prominent role to ensure critical skill gaps are filled and employees are turned into leaders.

    May 11, 2015
  • Federal chief learning officers are gaining a higher profile across the government. A majority of the respondents to an exclusive Federal News Radio survey of federal chief human capital officers and CLOs say agencies highly value these executives. Sydney Heimbrock, chief learning officer at the Office of Personnel Management, tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller the CLO is more important ever, even though the job has been around for a least a decade.

    May 11, 2015
  • Global Computer Enterprises agreed to settle allegations under the False Claims Act with the government by paying a fine. GCE filed for bankruptcy in September while also receiving $23 million from GSA and Labor to buy back financial management systems and data.

    May 11, 2015
  • A new report from the Merit Systems Protection Board clears up some misperceptions about due process and the protections federal employees have when facing adverse actions such as a job removal.

    May 11, 2015
  • Evan Lesser, founder and director for, will discuss the challenges that agencies are facing in filling jobs that require a security clearance. May 8, 2015

    May 08, 2015
  • Tony Vergnetti, hosts a roundtable discuss of Police Week 2015 and the upcoming Women in Federal Law Enforcement leadership training. May 8, 2015

    May 08, 2015
  • The base made famous for its large gold vault is the first in the country to operate independently from the civilian power grid, thanks to generous supplies of natural gas directly beneath it. But officials say they wouldn\'t have achieved the milestone without previous steps to invest in geothermal energy and other conservation measures.

    May 08, 2015
  • Commentary: Federal Drive host Tom Temin wonders what qualifies as \"fed-bashing\" these days, and what that means for workforce morale.

    May 08, 2015
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks: How would you like to go to the \"office\" every day knowing that danger could be lurking anywhere, in many forms?

    May 07, 2015
  • NARFE legislative director Jessica Klement and Federal Times reporter Andy Medici join host Mike Causey to discuss proposed benefit cuts for federal workers and retirees. May 6, 2015

    May 06, 2015
  • It\'s taking longer for the Office of Personnel Management to process retirement claims. By the end of April, OPM had processed less than three-quarters of claims in 60 days or less.

    May 06, 2015
  • The two easiest ways for agencies recruit and retain federal employees are under attack from Congress. Pat Niehaus is national president of the Federal Managers Association and chief of labor and employee relations at Travis Air Force Base. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she said House proposals to cut salaries about nine percent for federal employees who make at least $100,000, and to switch retirement calculations from the High Three to High Five, are just two of multiple ways Congress is undermining your agency\'s workforce strategy.

    May 05, 2015
  • It will be up to agencies to decide whether to pay for employees to go to such events as part of their official duties, the Office of Personnel Management says.

    May 05, 2015