
  • Both the House and Senate's budget plans for fiscal 2016 aim to reduce the federal deficit. And to help do that, both plans include provisions to increase federal employee pension contributions. Jessica Klement is Legislative Director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. On In Depth with Francis Rose, NARFE said those and other provisions tantamount to a pay cut for federal employees.

    March 31, 2015
  • On this edition of "Ask the CHCO", host Lauren Larson interviews John Gill of the Department of Health and Human Services about the scope of human capital at HHS.

    March 31, 2015
  • Two Georgia lawmakers have both introduced bills that would bar federal employees from conducting union work while on the clock. OPM data shows official time has been on the rise since fiscal 2008.

    March 31, 2015
  • She manages Housing and Urban Development's day-to-day operations, including a $45 billion annual budget and approximately 8,500 employees. As Women's History Month comes to a close, she's been sharing her experiences to help other women build successful careers in government. Nani Coloretti is the Deputy Secretary at HUD. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, she recounted growing up under the mild skies in Hawaii.

    March 31, 2015
  • Two dozen federal employees will form a group advising the President on possible changes to the Senior Executive Service. The White House wants advice on improving how the government recruits, hires, develops and retains SES members. John Benison is the equal employment opportunity director at Housing and Urban Development, and a member of the president's advisory group. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with an early morning report.

    March 31, 2015
  • Do you know how many fellow federal workers live in your city, your congressional district or your state? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you probably don't, but you should take comfort in knowing that you're most likely not alone.

    March 31, 2015
  • Guy Timberlake, chief visionary officer at the American Small Business Coalition, joins host Mark Amtower to discuss what small companies can do to generate more business with the government. March 30, 2015

    March 30, 2015
  • In a recent executive order, President Barack Obama called on agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thomas Day, the Postal Service's chief sustainability officer, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain the steps the agency is taking on doing just that.

    March 30, 2015
  • The real test will be if the panel created by the administration is allowed to tell the truth and make something happen, says Federal News Radio's Francis Rose in a new commentary.

    March 30, 2015
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    March 28, 2015
  • Mark Schroeder and Tristan Reed from Stratfor, will give us an update on the terrorist group Boko Haram, and the latest news on the Mexican drug war. March 27, 2015

    March 27, 2015
  • Liam Ackland, president of NGA.NET North America, encourages agencies to model their recruiting strategies after successful college basketball teams, which traditionally shy away from "one-and-dones."

    March 27, 2015
  • The Department of the Navy plans to use one of the three projects in its Innovation Cell to create data analytics for talent management. The goal of the cell is to rapidly acquire commercial IT by involving industry early in the requirements process.

    March 27, 2015
  • In England and in some parts of this country, a "take away" is when you order a popular fast food and take it home with you. In Washington "take away" is the legislative-political equivalent of bend-over-and-smile-this-is-going-to-hurt-you-more-than-me, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    March 27, 2015