
  • It's March Madness on Capitol Hill. In Depth host Francis Rose looks at four bills in Congress that are now vying for a shot at the Big Dance.

    March 16, 2015
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    March 14, 2015
  • Mark Schroeder and Tristan Reed from Stratfor, will give us an update on the terrorist group Boko Haram, and the latest news on the Mexican drug war. March 13, 2015

    March 13, 2015
  • About half of the federal workforce is uncomfortable using their work e-mails. A recent survey by Government Executive magazine says they don't like the idea the public can review their internal office communications. Tom Shoop is Editor in Chief at Gov Exec. He discussed the results on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    March 13, 2015
  • The Congressional Budget Office recently revealed that it didn't have any comprehensive information about the size of the federal government's contracted workforce. Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International and former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security, says knowing that number might not matter too much to taxpayers in the long run.

    March 13, 2015
  • Jeff Wagner, OPM's director of IT security, said by detailing specific processes, his organization can protect the network in near real-time and ensure threats or vulnerabilities do not put the entire infrastructure at a greater risk.

    March 12, 2015
  • The 114th Congress has introduced numerous bills, many of which directly target the federal workforce. Here are four recently introduced bills that, if they become law, could affect your job and paycheck.

    March 12, 2015
  • Host Mike Causey and financial planner Arthur Stein will discuss different investment strategies for the Thrift Savings Plan, and what you can do to make sure you have enough saved for retirement. March 11, 2015

    March 11, 2015
  • By JIM KUHNHENN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Targeting stagnant wages in an otherwise improving economy, President Barack Obama on Monday called on employers, educational institutions and local governments to develop a home grown high…

    March 10, 2015
  • Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) is proposing a bill to change how to calculate cost of living adjustments for federal pension plans. The high-five method would factor in the five highest-earning years of service instead of three years. The Congressional Budget Office says it would save the federal government #3.1 billion over 10 years. Jessica Klement is legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she offered her take on the bill.

    March 10, 2015
  • Following up on the Office of Personnel Management's new recruitment and retention strategy the Chief Human Capital Officers Council announced Friday a governmentwide forum on diversity hiring.

    March 10, 2015
  • Ever since the Veterans Affairs scheduling scandal broke, Congress has been heckling the department to fire more people. Robespierre might have resorted to the guillotine to secure the French Revolution. But is simply rolling heads the best strategy for getting the performance you want from your staff? John Palguta is vice president for policy at the Partnership for Public Service. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with why firing is just one small piece of the performance puzzle.

    March 10, 2015
  • Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald seems to be closing the deal several secretaries of Defense and at least one postmaster general couldn't, says Federal News Radio's Francis Rose in a new commentary.

    March 10, 2015
  • Four in 10 federal employees will be eligible to retire in the next five years. Who will take their place remains the big question. Meanwhile, 70 percent of jobs advertised on go to internal candidates, says Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta.

    March 09, 2015