
  • Even though it's a federal holiday, the one when working folks are supposed to rest, Uncle Sam has millions of lifeguards - civilian and military - on duty today. For obvious reasons. And even if you can't see them, they are there, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 01, 2014
  • Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union will discuss a new website that educates people about the federal government. August 29, 2014

    August 29, 2014
  • National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association delegates elected Richard G. Thissen as their new national president. He succeeds outgoing President Joseph A. Beaudoin.

    August 29, 2014
  • Maj. Gen. Michael T. Harrison drops in rank from two-star to one-star for failing to investigate sexual assault accusations.

    August 29, 2014
  • Telework and other workplace flexibilities are a good thing for government and the private sector. Rather than attempting to reverse telework programs due to a few bad apples, we should be working on fixing the problems, says Jeff Neal, former chief human capital officer at DHS.

    August 29, 2014
  • As the unofficial end of summer arrives, feds are packing up their sneakers, thongs, spandex and comfortable clothes and donning their professional business attire -- or maybe not, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    August 29, 2014
  • A new report from the Merit Systems Protection Board says that it's time for Congress to simplify the overly complex veterans preference laws to make sure they're doing what Congress put them in place to do.

    August 28, 2014
  • One of the longest-running conflicts the Pentagon deals with is the fight over employee performance management. The National Security Personnel System only lasted a couple of years before Congress voted it out of existence. Now the Defense Department is taking another shot at employee performance management. Pete Randazzo is Local 1690 Union President for the National Federation of Federal Employees. Randazzo was co-lead for a Performance Management Design Team that offered recommendations to the Pentagon. He explained his team's work on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    August 28, 2014
  • Great supervisors can make even the most trying agency a better place to work, while lousy supervisors can make even the best organization a horrible workplace. With that in mind, more attention is needed to improve the supervisory selection process, says former DHS CHCO Jeff Neal.

    August 28, 2014
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says he has lots in common with actor George Clooney. Yet, they may differ on what's cheap, what's a bargain and what's an outrage.

    August 28, 2014
  • Federal News Radio Federal Drive anchor Tom Temin and Federal Times Senior Writer Andy Medici join host Mike Causey to talk about potential changes to the COLAs for federal, military and Social Security recipients. August 27, 2014

    August 27, 2014
  • Lawmaker asks National Security Director James Clapper to take action against the tax- delinquents and inform them that their potentially harmful financial behaviors put the nation's security at risk.

    August 27, 2014
  • Richard McKinney, the Transportation Department chief information officer, said he reduced contractor-federal employee IT workforce ratio to 1-to-1 from 5-to-1. He said better training and governance will help the agency centralize certain computer network services.

    August 27, 2014
  • Jeff Koses, senior procurement executive for the General Services Administration, will discuss his acquisition priorities for the agency. August 26, 2014

    August 26, 2014