
  • House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members approved the Senior Executive Service Accountability Act. The bill would reform the law governing the Senior Executive Service, in part by doubling the probation period of SES members and requiring agencies to justify the positions of SES staff every two years.

    July 25, 2014
  • The new Chief Information Officer at the Justice Department is reviewing his to-do list two months into the job. Joe Klimavicz took over as the Justice CIO in May after leaving the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Joe writes about his first weeks on the job on the CIO Council's blog. He says he had to dig in quickly and learn the ropes at DoJ.

    July 24, 2014
  • An unresponsive, or sclerotic contracting system is not a good fit for our fast-paced information world, says Jeff Neal, former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security.

    July 24, 2014
  • The biggest federal labor union accuses two agencies of illegally outsourcing jobs. The American Federation of Government Employees asks the White House to review the actions. The Park Service admits Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia hired contractors to mow the lawn to augment federal custodians. AFGE says the Coast Guard plans to hire contractors for a user-fee program at a documentation center in West Virginia. Cheri Cannon is a partner at the law firm Tulley Rinckey. In this week's legal loop, she joined Tom Temin and Emily on the Federal Drive to explain how this happened.

    July 24, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management will release results of the 2014 Employee Viewpoint Survey in the next month or so. The National Council on Federal Labor Management Relations is offering agencies a head start in making better use of the data. Kelley Carameli is the co-chairwoman of the council's Measures and Incentives working group. She's also a health science specialist at the Veterans Health Administration. She spoke with Federal News Radio's Executive Editor Jason Miller about the new approach to measuring employee engagement. Read Jason's related article.

    July 24, 2014
  • Ahead of results of the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint survey, a National Council on Federal Labor Management Relations working group proposed its initial ways to improve employee engagement through the use of different types of metrics. The Office of Personnel Management is expected to release the annual EVS results in August.

    July 24, 2014
  • NARFE Legislative Director Jessica Klement, and Federal Times Senior Writer Andy Medici will discuss chained CPI, pay raises, and other issues affecting feds. July 23, 2014

    July 23, 2014
  • The TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act of 2014, sponsored by Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), would no longer classify some Transportation Security Administration agents in the Office of Inspection as law enforcement officers.

    July 23, 2014
  • Despite higher prices at the pump, overall living costs rose only slightly last month. For federal-military-Social Security retirees, that points to a 1.9 percent cost of living adjustment in January.

    July 23, 2014
  • Jeff Koses, senior procurement executive for the General Services Administration, will discuss his acquisition priorities for the agency. July 22, 2014

    July 22, 2014
  • On this week's Women of Washington radio show, Stephenie Foster discusses how women can work on parity in the political realm.

    July 22, 2014
  • Time is ticking on the fourth quarter of fiscal 2014. The typical summer rush is about to start: You have a chance over the next several months to nail down some new business and lay the groundwork for next year. Larry Allen is President of Allen Federal Business Partners and author of the Week Ahead newsletter. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said lots of buying decisions will come soon.

    July 22, 2014
  • The Government Accountability Office is in the middle of an ongoing, multi-year study on the pay system, and taking its findings to Capitol Hill. A House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee looked at the General Schedule last week. Jessica Klement is legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. She shared her own ideas of how to reform the General Schedule on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    July 22, 2014
  • Your agency could save itself time and work on the hiring process if a new bill from Senator Jon Tester becomes law. The Competitive Service Act would let other agencies share information about applicants they didn't hire that might fit your agency's openings. In our Congressional Spotlight on In Depth with Francis Rose, Senator Tester explained how he thinks the bill will make your agency's hiring process faster and better.

    July 22, 2014