
  • When you go from intern to top manager and then, later, to retiree, you learn a lot. Today we hear from a NARFE local president who says the phased retirement program, when it starts, could be a great thing for young workers and old-timers, too.

    June 30, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    June 28, 2014
  • Terrorism experts Christopher Harmon and Michael Kraft will discuss what the federal government is doing to fight terrorism around the world, and Linda Rix, co-CEO of FastYeti Incorporated will talk about her new website June 27, 2014

    June 27, 2014
  • A new report from the Senior Executive Association and the George Washington University's Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration found a majority of the reasons for a 10 percent decline in the SES workforce in each of the last three years is age and length of service.

    June 27, 2014
  • The Competitive Service Act of 2014 would let agencies share information about potential job candidates when they are trying to fill similar needs.

    June 27, 2014
  • Federal employees are singing the President's praises this week. He is calling on agency managers to expand workplace flexibilities. Federal News Radio's Web Manager Julia Ziegler spoke with Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive about the President's new memo.

    June 27, 2014
  • When a nurse manager at a Veterans Affairs medical center in Albany, New York, saw a patient being unnecessarily kept in restraints for seven hours, she couldn't remain silent. But little did Valerie Riviello know that her actions as a whistleblower would start her down on a path of retaliation from her coworkers.

    June 27, 2014
  • A Virginia government contractor is sentenced for conspiracy to bribe public officials.

    June 27, 2014
  • The five-year contract by the Office of Personnel Management allow high tech company Sevatec to provide Learning Management System support services.

    June 26, 2014
  • The Homeland Security Department fires more of its employees than any other agency. Last year DHS dropped almost 1 percent of its workforce. The Federal Times reports the government-wide average is about half that. Jeff Neal is senior vice president of ICF International and former Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Homeland Security. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose those numbers might sound low, but they're actually pretty normal for the federal government. Read Neal's related column.

    June 26, 2014
  • Training should not be about checking items off a list, says GSA Chief Learning Officer Mike Casey. It should be more like a "self-weeding garden."

    June 26, 2014
  • Are things getting worse in government, or is that just your memory playing tricks? We asked a current federal employee, and he said it is going from bad to worse.

    June 26, 2014
  • Financial advisor Arthur Stein will answer your calls and emails about the TSP, and CBS MoneyWatch Columnist Allan Roth discusses what you can do to maximize your TSP investments. June 25, 2014

    June 25, 2014
  • The Veterans Affairs Department recently revealed that none of its senior executives had gotten a rating below fully successful in the past four years. While that may seem shocking, the VA is not that out of the ordinary. Sub-par ratings for SES members are not common and firing them is even less common, says former CHCO Jeff Neal.

    June 25, 2014