
  • EEOC CIO Kimberly Hancher and Mike Cerniglia from MicroPact discuss how cloud computing, and open sourcing reduced her agency's IT costs. June 10, 2014

    June 10, 2014
  • The newly adopted "Taxpayer Bill of Rights" will help IRS employees provide better service to taxpayers and sends a "message to Congress."

    June 10, 2014
  • Your deadline is coming soon to tell your boss what you think of your job. Friday is the last day to fill out your Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey from the Office of Personnel Management. The data from those surveys will shape human resources policy across government. But the Government Accountability Office says chief human capital officers have other options to build and strengthen their workforces. Robert Goldenkoff is director of strategic issues at the GAO. He tells Federal News Radio's Francis Rose on In Depth about

    June 10, 2014
  • The deadline for the annual Employee Viewpoint Survey is rapidly approaching. Federal employees selected to participate in the survey &dmash; gauging employee morale and views of agency management — have until Friday to complete the survey. As of Tuesday morning, about 330,000 employees have completed the online survey, OPM officials said in a press call with reporters. Another 80,000 or so are still in the process of completing the survey.

    June 10, 2014
  • Congress is back at work, after its most recent vacation, and members are filled with righteous indignation. Fortunately for federal workers, it isn't directed at their pay, benefits or retirement package, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 10, 2014
  • Maryland Transportation Secretary James Smith is joining other state, local and Fort Meade officials in breaking ground for a $180 million development to serve the growing number of people using MARC commuter rail service near the Army installation.

    June 09, 2014
  • Scandal-rocked federal agencies could, probably should, take survival training from Detroit auto-makers, who know how to handle little — and sometimes not so little — problems, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 09, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management now says it hopes to have regulations governing phased retirement finalized by October. That can't come soon enough for many federal employees on the cusp of retirement who are caught in the regulatory limbo.

    June 09, 2014
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of FastYeti Incorporated will talk about a new website that helps veterans navigate their way through the with benefits claims process. June 6, 2014

    June 06, 2014
  • Jenny Mattingley hosts a roundtable discussion of legislation on Capitol Hill that impacts federal workers. June 6, 2014

    June 06, 2014
  • Capt. Gregory McWherter, a former commanding officer of the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, was found guilty of failing to stop repeated examples of sexual harassment and condoning widespread lewd practices within the squadron.

    June 06, 2014
  • Federal prisons are becoming more violent and dangerous for the guards who work in them. But the guards have a new tool that can help: a contract. It took 16 years to negotiate and ratify. Eric Young is president of American Federation of Government Employees' Council of Prison Locals. He joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss the new contract.

    June 06, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management cut the longstanding backlog of pending retirement claims by more than a third in the first half of 2014. By the end of May, the inventory of claims had fallen to about 14,500, according to new OPM data released Thursday. That's down 38 percent from a peak of more than 23,500 claims in February.

    June 05, 2014
  • The Office of Special Counsel is investigating more than three dozen claims of whistleblower retaliation at the scandal-rocked Veterans Affairs Department. The 37 cases OSC is investigating span VA facilities in 19 states. They include VA employees who say they've been retaliated against for disclosing a range of misconduct, including improper scheduling practices, the misuse of agency funds and inappropriately restraining patients, according to OSC.

    June 05, 2014