
  • Federal Drive Co-host Tom Temin lined up with the rest of the participants in Sunday's Public Service 5K Run/Walk at Anacostia Park in D.C. On his head, a Go-Pro video camera catching all of the action from the race.

    May 06, 2014
  • The Partnership for Public Service announced 33 finalists for this year's Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals. The list includes federal employees both new and experienced, who are making "high-impact" contributions on a domestic and global scale.

    May 06, 2014
  • Monday is the first work day of this year's Public Service Recognition Week. All this week organizations and people from cabinet secretaries and the Senate to the Washington Nationals will celebrate the work of people like you. Jenny Mattingley, director of government affairs at Shaw Bransford and Roth, tells In Depth with Francis Rose what you can expect this week.

    May 05, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management received 8,047 new retirement claims in April, which is about 1,500 more than the 6,500 it projected that it would receive for that month.

    May 05, 2014
  • While the federal government is probably not a model employer, for a lot of reasons, it is a very good employer.

    May 05, 2014
  • Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta tells Federal News Radio that federal workers deserve the attention they receive during Public Service Recognition Week.

    May 05, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    May 03, 2014
  • Gerald Moore, Michigan district director for the Small Business Administration, will talk about the business climate in the city of Detroit and what the SBA is doing to help companies located there. May 2, 2014

    May 02, 2014
  • What are the fiscal, management, and performance challenges facing government executives? What is the goal of GAO's High Risk List and what are some of the key "high risk" areas? How can audit agencies change the way they do business to properly respond to 21st century governance challenges? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Chris Mihm, managing director, strategic issues, Government Accountability Office.

    May 02, 2014
  • Those signing up to participate in the Thunderclap effort all send out tweets and Facebook messages at the same time recognizing the work of federal employees.

    May 02, 2014
  • More than half of senior executives surveyed by the Senior Executives Association are reporting "low" or "very low" morale with their jobs. The problem lies with a pay-for-performance system where some supervisors make less money than the people they lead. Increasing numbers of senior executive service members are ready to leave the federal government altogether.

    May 02, 2014
  • Shrinking the federal government's real estate holdings is the goal of seemingly every administration. But "the budgetary rules that govern investment in these assets are a blunt instrument that does serious collateral damage," Dorothy Robyn, former commissioner of the Public Buildings Service at the General Services Administration, wrote in an article for the Brookings Institution. Robyn gave her insight to Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on what she sees as the biggest problems in federal property management.

    May 02, 2014
  • The Pentagon has released its annual report on sexual assault. The report, which includes a multi-faceted strategy to prevent sexual assault, indicates that alcohol often plays a significant role in the commission of sexual assault. The report says alcohol impairs one's ability to identify a sexual assault threat and is sometimes used as a tool to reduce the victim's resistance or totally incapacitate a victim. The strategy against sexual assault includes five elements: prevention, investigation, accountability, advocacy and assessment of the program.

    May 02, 2014
  • Number of reported sexual assaults in the military rose 50 percent between 2012 and 2013. The Defense Department says it's confident the figure doesn't reflect more crimes, but that more victims are comfortable enough to come forward.

    May 02, 2014