
  • Over the past two years, 61 talented and diverse individuals from the private sector teamed up with federal agencies to develop solutions to some of the nation's toughest challenges. Watch the video to learn more about the Presidential Innovation Fellows program.

    April 01, 2014
  • From saving lives to saving hundreds of thousands of dollars, the Presidential Innovation Fellows program is already making a difference in its short two-year existence. In our special report, Solving Our Nation's Toughest Challenges: The Presidential Innovation Fellows, Federal News Radio gets an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the fellows program and examines some of its greatest success stories.

    April 01, 2014
  • The way things are going, a lot of long-time feds are doing the math to see how much longer they can afford to work. So do you keep fighting rush-hour traffic or give yourself the option to sleep late? Follow the money, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    April 01, 2014
  • The Army is the first service to begin an analysis of its excess real estate after a Congressional prohibition against even studying the subject expired. Early results show up to a quarter of its stateside infrastructure isn't being used right now, and the Army will need even less as it shrinks in size.

    March 31, 2014
  • Avue Technologies Co-CEO Linda Rix will discuss some ideas on how to make the federal government a more attractive option for job seekers. March 28,2014 (Encore presentation April 4, 2014)

    March 28, 2014
  • In the wake of across-the-board budget cuts, furloughs and slim -- or no -- annual pay raises, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says he's concerned about a nose-dive in federal-employee morale. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) is now asking the Government Accountability Office to look into recent trends in feds' job satisfaction. The lawmakers are concerned declining satisfaction "may be compromising the federal government's ability to serve the American people."

    March 28, 2014
  • In our weekly Crime of the Week feature, Federal News Radio reports on a federal employee who is under investigation or charged with a crime.

    March 27, 2014
  • Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta says she wants to keep premium increases for federal employees' health coverage "in check." In a keynote speech at the annual FEHB Program Carrier Conference in Arlington, Va., Thursday Archuleta also called on insurance carriers to make prescription drugs more affordable and urged more federal employees to sign up for wellness programs.

    March 27, 2014
  • Financial advisor Arthur Stein will answer your calls and emails about the TSP. Also, Nicole Blake Johnson and Andy Medici of the Federal Times will discuss a possible downsizing of the U.S. Postal Service. March 26, 2014

    March 26, 2014
  • House Democrats have a bill proposing a 3.3 percent pay raise for federal employees in fiscal 2015. It's more than three times higher than what the White House calls for in its fiscal 2015 budget request. Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union, offers her take to In Depth with Francis Rose.

    March 26, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management is making tweaks to how agencies report time-to-hire data. But experts who spoke to Federal News Radio say they don't think OPM is giving up on the idea of improving the federal hiring process. Instead, they say, it appears OPM may be shifting its focus to measuring the quality of new federal hires.

    March 26, 2014
  • Federal employees will soon get their annual chance to speak out about how they're feeling about their workplace, morale and management within agencies. The Office of Personnel Management will soon roll out this year's Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. Federal Drive host Emily Kopp spoke with John Palguta, vice president of public policy at the Partnership for Public Service, who offered some tips for agency managers prepping for the survey.

    March 26, 2014
  • House Democrats are pushing for federal employees to get a pay raise next year that's more than three times larger than President Barack Obama proposed. A bill introduced Wednesday by Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and Jim Moran (D-Va.) would provide federal employees with a 3.3 percent across-the-board pay raise in 2015.

    March 26, 2014
  • The Army says it is now replacing funds in its readiness accounts that were depleted when cuts under sequestration first kicked in a year ago. But last year's readiness problems are likely to repeat in 2016 and beyond if Congress allows the automatic Defense cuts in current law to persist.

    March 26, 2014