
  • Debra Roth hosts a roundtable discussion of how sequestration has affected the judicial branch, justice, and the rule of law. August 23, 2013

    August 23, 2013
  • The Office of Naval Research is developing a more efficient generator that uses less fuel and creates less hassle when carrying it around the battlefield.

    August 23, 2013
  • The Department of Defense may have to consider cutting thousands of civilians from its workforce if sequestration continues into fiscal year 2014, according to a Pentagon planning document obtained by Bloomberg News. The workforce reductions would offset a projected $52 billion in automatic spending cuts.

    August 23, 2013
  • With the end of fiscal 2013 just over a month away, many agencies are wrapping up their furlough days. Some agencies have even reduced the number of unpaid leave days they originally thought they would need. This graphic depicts the total number of furlough days originally declared by agencies versus the number of furloughs actually taken.

    August 23, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss what the acquisition market is like for the federal government's top technology services vendors, and the debate in Congress over the military's camouflage uniforms policy. August 22, 2013

    August 22, 2013
  • The majority of furlough-related appeals the Merit Systems Protection Board has received - 98 percent - have come from civilian employees of the Defense Department. Of the 30,000-plus furlough appeals, MSPB has entered more than 16,000 into its system. The agency says it expects to have most of the appeals docketed shortly after Labor Day.

    August 22, 2013
  • Doug Keeler, national program manager of Feds Feed Families, says he's not surprised federal employees continue to donate food, even with sequestration and furloughs. Since 2009, the campaign has collected more than 15 million pounds of food, and it's striving for a goal of 25 million by Aug. 28.

    August 22, 2013
  • The federal workforce has been used as a political football for decades. But the fed-bashing has risen to unprecedented levels in recent years. While that kind of rhetoric may be useful in politics, it is destructive for governance and the people who make up our government, according to Jeff Neal, former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security and founder of the blog,

    August 22, 2013
  • For the past several years, politicians aided and abetted by the media and some think tanks have turned federal workers into punching bags, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Many feds are fed up. And some are working on ways to fight back.

    August 22, 2013
  • NARFE's David Snell will talk about a health care option for feds without children and Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will give us an update on 2014 budget negotiations and other issues affecting federal employees. August 21, 2013

    August 21, 2013
  • A proposed change to how federal retirees' cost-of-living adjustments are calculated could have a huge, negative impact, according to David Snell of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. NARFE is urging its members and retirees to contact their congressmen during the week of Sept. 16 to express their opposition to the chained consumer price index.

    August 21, 2013
  • The Small Business Administration names agency official Jeanne Hulit as its acting head. Current SBA Administrator Karen Mills will leave her position at the end of August.

    August 21, 2013
  • A popular cable TV show involves doomsday preppers. These people expect an economic collapse, because of war, weather or natural disaster, forcing everyone to fend for themselves. What's one group that has yet to be featured? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks. Federal workers, who face the very real dangers very soon.

    August 21, 2013
  • Bill Gormley, president of the Gormley Group and Cameron Leuthy, senior budget analyst at Bloomberg Government, will discuss sequestration and its impact on the government and contracting. August 20, 2013

    August 20, 2013