
  • Here's a horrible thought to start off your week, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. You've had your pay frozen and maybe you have been furloughed with more mandatory time-outs to come. But what if these are the good old days right now? That it can't get any better than this...

    August 02, 2013
  • For the first time, Eco-Goats will remove unwanted vegetation from a wooded area in the Historic Congressional Cemetery.

    August 01, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss legislation that would strengthen the pharmaceutical supply chain, and the second quarter lobbying numbers. August 1, 2013

    August 01, 2013
  • Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) is sponsoring a bill that would impact the federal workforce as well as a bill to restrict the growth of federal real estate. Barletta is the chairman of the Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

    August 01, 2013
  • Legislation aimed at improving response times and customer service across government agencies passed the House Wednesday.

    August 01, 2013
  • What's the difference between an elected politician and a career civil servant? When politicians take time off they get paid, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, whereas feds who don't work don't.

    August 01, 2013
  • Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said he wants an answer from Office of Personnel Management and the White House on how the Affordable Care Act will apply to lawmakers and their staff before moving forward with Katherine Archuleta's nomination to serve as OPM director.

    July 31, 2013
  • With fewer government contracts coming down the pipeline, small and mid-sized contractors are feeling the pinch of sequestration. Should they diversify, cut staff or sit tight and hope that big contract is just around the corner? Federal News Radio examines these issues in part 6 of our special report, Private Side of Sequestration.

    July 31, 2013
  • A new GAO report is recommending OMB be more specific in its guidance on grant management. The report said 5,100 employees are significantly involved in managing grants.

    July 31, 2013
  • If you are thinking about a new job or are advising a nonfed friend or relative how to join the G-club, here are some words of advice, courtesy of a long-time Federal Report reader.

    July 31, 2013
  • Bill Gormley, president of the Gormley Group and Cameron Leuthy, senior budget analyst at Bloomberg Government, will discuss sequestration and its impact on the government and contracting. July 30, 2013

    July 30, 2013
  • With fewer new federal contracts on the horizon, vendors are trimming staff, changing direction and hedging their bets as sequestration plays out, according to the results of an exclusive Federal News Radio survey. Contractors are also blaming sequestration for low morale in their offices.

    July 30, 2013
  • At some point, usually early on, each new presidential administration learns a few things about the federal government, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. The end result? Reinventing the wheel every four to eight years.

    July 30, 2013
  • Deltek's Kevin Plexico and Scott Lewis of PS Partnerships, will talk about the challenges facing contractors in this tough budget environment. July 29, 2013

    July 29, 2013