
  • Tony Vergnetti will hows a roundtable discussion of federal insurance benefits and what you can do to fill any holes in your coverage. June 21, 2013

    June 21, 2013
  • OPM is planning to add four new insurance carriers to the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) for 2014. Premium rates and benefits coverage of the new plans would be announced later this year ahead of the annual federal health-insurance Open Season.

    June 21, 2013
  • We've been hearing for a dozen years about the upcoming federal retirement tsunami, when thousands of baby boomers with years of technical expertise leave the federal service for the golf courses and RV parks of retirement communities. But timing the retirement wave can be tricky.

    June 21, 2013
  • Patrick McFarland, the inspector general of the Office of Personnel Management, confirmed to a Senate subcommittee Thursday that his office has been investigating USIS, the government's largest contractor for background-investigation services, since late 2011. He said at least 18 security clearance investigators have been convicted of falsifying investigations since 2007. McFarland said there may be "considerably more" fraud that hasn't been uncovered due to "alarmingly insufficient oversight" of the security-clearance process.

    June 20, 2013
  • Imagine William Shakespeare were alive today — and a federal employee. Would he still come up with stuff like "to be, or not to be, that is the question?" Or would he be preoccupied by the prospect of a furlough? Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's Federal Report for more.

    June 20, 2013
  • GSA acting administrator Dan Tangherlini said the agency wants to work with Congress to offer creative ways for agencies to maximize their assets. In its own headquarters, the GSA is using modern techniques to save space.

    June 19, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Council of Prison Locals President Dale Deshotel addresses workplace safety concerns as assaults on staff continue in the Bureau of Prisons. California Labor Federation Executive Secretary-Treasurer Art Pulaski continues the workplace safety discussion while AFGE Department of Defense Local 2228 David Bamburg details the impact of federal employee furloughs at Ellsworth AFB.

    June 19, 2013
  • When the going gets tough, some people laugh, some cry and some, apparently, burst into song. Like the fed who recently penned the furlough song to a tune you already know, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 19, 2013
  • Joanne Woytek, program manager of the NASA SEWP program joins host Roger Waldron to talk about the contract and the implementation of SEWP 5. June 18, 2013

    June 18, 2013
  • A new commission, proposed by David Walker, former U.S. comptroller general, would recommend ways to streamline government by removing duplication and extraneous spending from government agencies. Federal-employee unions criticized the proposal and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee lawmakers expressed skepticism that such a proposal could gain congressional approval.

    June 18, 2013
  • Despite dire predictions, the world didn't end when sequestration started. It was more whimper than bang. But that is changing as never-gonna-happen furloughs have started to happen, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. The problem is that the people who devised the medicine — the White House and Congress — don't have to take it.

    June 18, 2013
  • Intelligence community contractors, similar to Booz Allen, likely are reevaluating employees who have access to classified information in order to identify any questionable personnel, according to Steve Ryan, leader of government strategies practice group at McDermott, Will and Emery law firm.

    June 17, 2013
  • USPS Chief Sustainability Officer Thomas Day said the service is on target to reach many of its sustainability goals for 2015. USPS said the decline in mail volume led to the consolidation of mail distribution centers.

    June 17, 2013
  • Government contractors with security clearances, such as Edward Snowden, aren't legally protected from whistleblowing even by going through the proper channels. But John Mahoney, of the law firm Tully Rinckey, said Snowden should have defaulted to the standard whistleblowing procedure used by government employees in the intelligence community, who are protected under the law.

    June 17, 2013