
  • The Partnership for Public Service named Dave Broomell, the project manager at the Social Security Administration's Chicago Region office, a 2013 Service to America Medal finalist in the Citizen Services category. The award recognizes feds who have made significant contributions in the area of citizen services.

    June 04, 2013
  • In an open letter to congressional leaders and to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a broad array of military scholars argue the cost of running the Pentagon bureaucracy soon will crowd out the spending necessary to fight and win wars.

    June 04, 2013
  • Welcome to sequestration, which is currently the world's longest-running interactive game show starring you, your granny, and all your friends and neighbors, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. The question is: Are you having fun yet?

    June 04, 2013
  • David Shea, director of GSA's Office of Charge Card Management, gives us an update on the agency's SmartPay program. June 3, 2013

    June 03, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    June 03, 2013
  • The Washington area is alive and very well as it enters the third month of sequestration, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But what about feds in other places? Is their life beyond the Beltway? What's sequestration doing to feds in Ogden, Utah, and Maricopa County. Ariz.? How are communities like Hampton, Va., and Huntsville, Ala., holding up?

    June 03, 2013
  • Doctor Christopher C. Harmon, the Major General Matthew C. Horner Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University will talk about terrorism and whether we are seeing changes in strategy and tactics. May 31, 2013

    May 31, 2013
  • In this special Federal Drive panel discussion, guest experts discuss the impending retirement wave and how agencies can plan effectively for the loss of experience and knowledge when their long-time employees head for the experts.

    May 31, 2013
  • President Barack Obama recently nominated the manager of his re-election campaign to head up the Office of Personnel Management. But who is Katherine Archuleta and what can feds expect from the woman chosen to manage the federal workforce? Archuleta's former boss at the Transportation Department tells Federal News Radio what he thinks she'll bring to the table.

    May 31, 2013
  • Even though a massive federal retirement tsunami has been a no-show, even a moderate uptick in retirements could pose challenges for agencies -- especially as they face decreasing budgets and declining staffs. In part three of our special report, "Retirement Conundrum," Federal News Radio examines how agencies plan to retain institutional knowledge and fill critical skills gaps as longtime employees head for the exits.

    May 31, 2013
  • Feds who are already retired (and those who plan to retire someday soon) have several worries, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. For those about to take the plunge, the concern is the backlog of applications at the Office of Personnel Management. For those already on the roles the fear is that future benefit increases will be downsized each year.

    May 31, 2013
  • Not that long ago, the Office of Personnel Management faced a crisis in processing retirement claims. In part two of our special report, "Retirement Conundrum," Federal News Radio examines how OPM set out to beat its backlog, and how it can stay ahead of an unexpected surge in claims amid automatic budget cuts that threaten to derail progress.

    May 30, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will examine the impact of a potential U.S trade partnership with the European Union. May 30, 2013

    May 30, 2013
  • According to Office of Personnel Management statistics, the pipeline of up-and-coming federal employees is well-stocked. Nearly 30 percent of the current federal workforce is under age 40, and the number of younger federal employees is…

    May 30, 2013