
  • The election is over and whether your candidate won or lost you can't miss those 24/7 political ads on TV, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But now that it's over, do you feel that laws regulating your political activities as federal employees helped or hurt you?

    November 09, 2012
  • Federal and postal unions that solidly backed the President's re-election bid hope their steadfast support - even after a two-year pay freeze - will pay off in 2013, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 08, 2012
  • Federal-employee unions have hailed the re-election of President Barack Obama over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. But despite the excitement, union leaders are tempering their expectations for a second term. National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley and J. David Cox, the president of the American Federation of Government Employees, told Federal News Radio their groups are ready to play an expanded role to deal with the budget deficit and alternatives to the sequestration cuts coming in January.

    November 07, 2012
  • NARFE's David Snell joins host Mike Causey to talk about best health care buys for federal retirees. Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will discuss the presidential election and its impact on feds. November 7, 2012

    November 07, 2012
  • Jack Horan, partner at McKenna Long and Aldridge LLP, talks about compliance issues in the Multiple Award Schedule program. November 6, 2012(Encore presentation December 4, 2012)

    November 07, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" National President J. David Cox and Legislative and Political Director Beth Moten analyze Election Day results and the impact on federal employees. AFGE Legislative Representative Marilyn Park then addresses the importance of Veterans Day, while Federal Emergency Management Agency Local 4060 President Robert Autrey discusses FEMA's response in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

    November 07, 2012
  • The U.S. Postal Service will not be offering any new buyouts in the near future, according to Anthony Vegliante, the agency's chief human resources officer. USPS offered three different buyouts in 2012. In an exclusive interview with Federal News Radio, Vegliante said the Postal Service will drop to around 500,000 employees by the end of January due to multiple consolidation efforts at the agency.

    November 07, 2012
  • President Barack Obama won re-election Tuesday night. History shows administrations entering a second term tend to stay on the performance management path they initially lay out with an eye toward extending some priorities. Budget pressures, including the looming cuts from sequestration, will drive many of the priorities over the next four years for the President.

    November 07, 2012
  • Presidents, whether they are re-elected lame ducks or first-time occupants of the White House, change when in office. They don't always live up to the expectations of the people who put them there or who worked hard to defeat him. Civil servants know that better than most, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 07, 2012
  • For the fourth straight month, the number of federal employees filing for retirement has outstripped the Office of Personnel Management's expectations, according to new data released by the agency. OPM also beat its projections for processing retirement claims.

    November 06, 2012
  • It's election day, and millions of federal and postal workers, like their neighbors, will go to the polls. the difference is that because of the Hatch (no politics) Act, there are things government employees cannot say, do or wear — at least at the office. Some think that's unfair, while others are comfy under the Hatch Act blanket, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 06, 2012
  • If the political pros are correct, too-close-to- call states, like Virginia, Nevada, Florida and especially Ohio, will pick the winner in tomorrow's election. Although the swing states are very different in many ways, they each have a large percentage of well-paid, fully employed, well-educated likely voters: That would be you, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 05, 2012
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    November 03, 2012
  • Brenda O'Connor, senior vice president for Public Affairs at the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, will talk about the assistance that's available for victims of Hurricane Sandy. November 2, 2012

    November 02, 2012