
  • Agencies are installing white, reflective roofs, solar panels and plant-filled green roofs to cut down on energy costs and save taxpayers money. This is all in response to President Barack Obama's executive order requiring agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency.

    September 17, 2012
  • Federal News Radio evaluated a total of five initiatives meant to rally federal managers' enthusiasm, expertise and duty as part of the special report, The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years. We determined more progress was needed on the administration's performance management and regulation reduction efforts. We called the President's plan to reorganize the Commerce Department a bust but find effective efforts surrounding energy sustainability and cutting waste, fraud, abuse and improper payments.

    September 17, 2012
  • President Obama has signed more than 130 executive orders since he took office. Federal News Radio compiled some of the orders most pertinent to federal employees and contractors.

    September 17, 2012
  • The Obama administration's legacy over the past four years consists of major wins, missed opportunities and large scale busts. Federal News Radio evaluated 23 ideas and initiatives behind which the administration flexed its performance and management muscle over the last four years. We rated 10 of the 23 as "effective" and 13 of the 23 as "more progress needed" or "ineffective." In our special weeklong multimedia series, "The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years" we review how well the administration was able to go from concept to strategy to implementation to success in the areas of management, technology, workforce and acquisition.

    September 17, 2012
  • Would you like to be present when Uncle Sam, as an employer, gets a physical? Is the federal government a better or worse place to work today than it was a few years ago. For a stem-to-stern look at pay, benefits, acquisition, diversity and contracting, check us out today, starting with Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's column.

    September 17, 2012
  • The sub-basement of the Office of Personnel Management's headquarters resembles more a tech start-up than a federal office building. The innovation lab, as OPM calls it, provides a brightly-lit, open room for employees to meet and tackle the "stickiest" of the agency's problems.

    September 14, 2012
  • Looking for something to take your mind off the pending pay freeze extension? If so, consider the prospect of higher taxes, lower take-home pay and higher health insurance premiums, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 14, 2012
  • The survey found lack of resources, awareness and training were the most common challenges in complying with Section 508. Fifteen percent of agency components said they could not identify any challenges to 508 compliance.

    September 13, 2012
  • Tighter budgets are impacting agencies' ability to recruit new employees, according to the results of an exclusive Federal News Radio survey. But while budget dollars may be dwindling, agencies still need new hires to fill vacancies caused by retirements and others leaving civil service. Federal recruiters and college advisers say there are certain cost-effective and innovative techniques that work better than others when it comes to finding the next generation of federal employees.

    September 13, 2012
  • Despite the prospect of an extended pay freeze, many nonpostal workers have their "wigs" to keep them warm, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So, how do you get a 3 percent raise while salaries are frozen at 2010 levels?

    September 13, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" attendees of the Republican and Democratic national conventions discuss ways to rebuild the middle class and connect with voters. Featured Republican guests include Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Featured Democratic guests include Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy, Rep. Paul Tonko of New York and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire.

    September 13, 2012
  • The Office of Special Counsel found the HHS Secretary's remarks in February at a gala violated the law prohibiting federal employees from engaging in partisan actions. Kathleen Sebelius contends she didn't break the law.

    September 12, 2012
  • Even after the most horrible event, life goes on. We talked to a number of current and former feds who were here, in D.C., when the Pentagon and the World Trade Centers were hit. All had one common theme, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says: They will never forget what they were doing that day...

    September 12, 2012
  • Carolyn Alston, executive vice president and general counsel for the Coalition for Government Procurement, will talk about the multiple award schedule program. September 11, 2012(Encore presentation October 30, 2012)

    September 11, 2012