
  • A federal union claims the Environmental Protection Agency fired two scientists for trying to organize a union at the EPA's National Exposure Research Lab in Athens, Ga.

    September 05, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Social Security Administration Council 220 President Witold Skwierczynski and Department of Housing and Urban Development Council 222 Executive Vice President Carolyn Federoff discuss the consequences of federal budget cuts. Former AFGE President Bobby Harnage also appears.

    September 05, 2012
  • Dorothy Robyn, who for the last three years has overseen the Defense Department's military facilities and buildings, has been named to head the General Services Administration's embattled Public Buildings Service.

    September 04, 2012
  • It's no secret Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney envisions broad changes to the federal government and its workforce. In campaign speeches, Romney has spoken of aligning federal pay with that of the private sector and reducing the federal workforce through attrition. But federal unions say Romney's comments and proposals should give feds pause. This story is part of Federal News Radio's special, week-long multimedia report, The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years.

    September 04, 2012
  • The administration promotes numerous policy and program successes and it is on these successes President Obama's second term priorities likely will be built. The Office of Management and Budget did not respond to requests for specifics on the President's management agenda for the next four years, so we looked to the previous initiatives and asked experts for their opinions to devine the future in part 5 of our special, week-long multimedia report, The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years

    September 04, 2012
  • The Democratic Party platform, released Tuesday, is short on specifics about the federal workforce, particularly relating to federal pay or the size of the federal workforce. However, the platform does cite President Barack Obama's efforts to pare back overly burdensome regulations and his proposed consolidation of federal agencies. "President Obama and the Democrats are committed to rethinking, reforming, and remaking our government so that it can meet the challenges of our time," the authors of the platform wrote.

    September 04, 2012
  • We're back! For the month of August, Washington, D.C., was a really nice place to live and visit, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Streets were quiet, restaurants empty, traffic was tolerable and some of our town's loudest, most aggressive people (Congress, lawyers, journalists and think tankers) were away ... But we are all back with a vengeance.

    September 04, 2012
  • WomenAble CEO Julie Weeks joins host Mark Amtower to talk about her research on small business contractors and what they can do to earn more government business. September 3, 2012(Encore presentation September 24, 2012)

    September 03, 2012
  • Even though it's a federal holiday, the one when working folks are supposed to rest, Uncle Sam has millions of lifeguards - civilian and military - on duty today. For obvious reasons. And even if you can't see them, they are there, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 03, 2012
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    September 01, 2012
  • Evan Lesser, founder and director of, talks about how the job market is changing for federal workers with high security clearances. August 31, 2012

    August 31, 2012
  • Science Applications International Corporation, one of the largest government contractors, has announced plans to split into two independent public companies. John Jumper, SAIC's chairman and CEO, gave an exclusive interview to In Depth with Francis Rose.

    August 31, 2012
  • When somebody tells a fed they've got good news and bad news and which do they want first, there is no right answer. So what is it now. And what does it mean when the boss says to report to her office with a burlap sack and two mangoes?

    August 31, 2012
  • It's the first major overhaul of the program in 20 years. Among the changes, the Air Force is offering three "paths" for airmen — an educational to go back to school, a small business path to become an entrepreneur and a vocational technical path.

    August 30, 2012