
  • OPM Director John Berry said the agency changed the annual survey to give agencies more insight into the morale and thoughts of their employees. Berry said agencies in their zeal to cut budgets shouldn't forget the importance of training.

    June 08, 2012
  • The D-Day anniversary on Wednesday jogged a lot of memories for people whose parents or grandparents fought and, in many cases, died. Nice to know that after 68 years (and two days) their service and sacrifice is still appreciated, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 08, 2012
  • Are you a prepper? Are you stockpiling goods — beans, bullets, gold bars — to ride out a coming economic collapse, nuclear attack or natural disaster? Even if you aren't worried about those things, as a fed there are some things you should prepare for long before you retire, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 07, 2012
  • NARFE president Joseph Beaudoin and Federal Times reporters Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly join host Mike Causey to talk about a wide variety of issues affecting federal workers. June 6, 2012

    June 06, 2012
  • In a first-ever interview, key officials from the Departments of Defense and State responsible for planning the transition to a diplomatic-led mission in Iraq discuss how the two agencies coordinated one of the largest overseas logistical operations since World War II. The article is the first part in Federal News Radio's special report, Trial by Fire: Overseas Contracting in Transition, part of the series, Inside the World's Biggest Buyer.

    June 06, 2012
  • As more agencies make changes to streamline operations and save money, more employees are complaining about unfair labor practices. In response, the Federal Labor Relations Authority is taking steps to educate the workforce and labor groups about labor-management and collective bargaining rules.

    June 06, 2012
  • Efficient recruitment and hiring practices might seem like a hard get at a high-security agency like NSA. But Kathy Hutson, the director of human resources at the National Security Agency, says the hiring protocols at her agency today demostrate all the reforms the Office of Personnel Management is recommending for the rest of government.

    June 06, 2012
  • Worried about your job, your benefits, your career? Lots of people are. But this might be a good day to put your put things on hold and think how different your life might be today if the Normandy Invasion, 68 years ago today, had failed, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 06, 2012
  • American Federation of Government Employees president John Gage has announced he'll retire from his post at the largest federal-employee union. Gage has served as national AFGE president since 2003.

    June 05, 2012
  • Mayer Brown LLP partner Marcia Madsen will talk about what government managers and contractors need to know when it comes to data collection and transparency. June 5, 2012(Encore presentation June 12, 2012)

    June 05, 2012
  • Federal retirement claims rose last month but, for the second consecutive month, the Office of Personnel Management received fewer claims than it expected. OPM also made its monthly processing goals and continued to make progress cutting back a longstanding backlog of retirement claims.

    June 05, 2012
  • When the Defense Department began contingency contracting operations on a large-scale in Iraq in 2003 it was largely a trial by fire. Despite the best planning, DoD lacked the programs and practical solutions to handle the environment, officials say. Since then, commissions, panels and lawmakers have offered fixes and DoD has evolved to try to create "rock-solid" reforms. Federal News Radio examines these issues in the next part of our series, Inside the World's Biggest Buyer.

    June 05, 2012
  • How much do you know about Zen? For example when, if ever, is nothing better than something, or anything? Is it desirable to be the bullseye if your opposition is the gang that couldn't shoot straight, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders.

    June 05, 2012
  • The General Services Administration has awarded Concur Technologies a contract to launch the next phase of the agency's cloud-based travel-management service. Version 2 of the program will provide travel planning, authorizations, reservations, ticketing, and reimbursements and reporting through a streamlined interface

    June 04, 2012