
  • Washington attorney Bill Bransford joins host Mike Causey to answer questions that affect whistleblowers in the federal government. April 18, 2012

    April 18, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Campaign for America's Future Co-director Roger Hickey discusses President Obama's "Buffett Rule" tax legislation, while GovLoop Founder and President Steve Ressler previews the Next Generation of Government Summit. National Women's Law Center vice presidents Emily Martin and Judy Waxman join Ian Millhiser from the Center for American Progress to discuss health care reform.

    April 18, 2012
  • General Services Administration Inspector General Brian Miller told senators on Wednesday his office had made a criminal referral to the Justice Department relating to the ongoing spending scandal. Speaking at the last of four congressional hearings about the GSA, Miller testified that he has heard from "a lot" of whistleblowers since his report was released several weeks ago.

    April 18, 2012
  • The General Services Administration’s lavish spending at the Western Regions Conference in 2010 has generated its share of congressional and public outrage. The $822,000 spent on planning, catered private parties and entertainment took center stage…

    April 18, 2012
  • From May 2003 to June 2004, the Federal Reserve shipped $12 billion in cash — 281 million individual bills strapped to wooden pallets — to Iraq, to be disbursed by the interim Coalition Provisional Authority,…

    April 18, 2012
  • A 2008 Government Accountability Office report found “fraudulent, improper and abusive” credit card purchases across a number of federal agencies. In one instance, an Agriculture Department employee used convenience checks tied to a government account…

    April 18, 2012
  • This week the Senate is expected to take up legislation to reform the Postal Service. The bill could close post offices, end Saturday deliveries and return funds the Postal Service as pre-paid for retiree health benefits. USPS already has started considering how it would operate with a slimmed-down workforce.

    April 18, 2012
  • John Sepulveda, the Veterans Affairs Department assistant secretary for human resources and administration, said the portal lets employees assess their skill gaps and create a plan to move up the career ladder. HUD and DLA also have initiatives to create high performing employees and organizations.

    April 18, 2012
  • Anne Perry and Jonathan Aronie, partners at Sheppard Mullin, will answer questions about the bid protest process. April 17, 2012(Encore presentation May 22, 2012)

    April 17, 2012
  • An April 2012 inspector general’s report detailed lavish and excessive spending at the General Services Administration’s 2010 Western Regions Conference. The report found $822,000 was spent on the event, including for a mind reader, a…

    April 17, 2012
  • In October 2011, two contracting officers with the Army Corps of Engineers were arrested and charged with conspiracy and bribery in connection with a $28 million kickback scheme. The U.S. attorney prosecuting the case, which…

    April 17, 2012
  • The bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting identified between $31 billion and $60 billion lost to waste and fraud in U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The commission’s final report, issued in September 2011, provided the…

    April 17, 2012
  • The Social Security Administration came under fire for a three-day, $700,000 conference in Phoenix for about 700 SSA managers. Agency officials said the conference would help employees learn how to reduce stress caused by an…

    April 17, 2012
  • A 2008 inspector general’s report uncovered widespread graft and ethical violations at the Minerals Management Service, the Interior Department agency responsible for collecting oil and gas royalties. According to the report, which excoriated the agency’s…

    April 17, 2012