
  • A new bill, introduced by Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.) would ban smoking in and near all federal buildings, closing a loophole that exempted many federal buildings from a 2008 directive banning smoking. Previous anti-smoking directives applied only to buildings under GSA\'s custody.

    November 11, 2011
  • The Senate Thursday approved a resolution marking the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Executive Boards. The resolution, which was sponsored by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), commemorates the anniversary and notes the work played by the national communication network of the federal government.

    November 11, 2011
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" Council of Prison Locals President Dale Deshotel details the danger of not properly staffing and funding the Bureau of Prisons. AFGE local presidents John Garvey, Mike Guerrissi and Vernon Steed shed light on workplace concerns at their respective agencies. Also, we report from Occupy Oakland and AFGE\'s recent rally to support Social Security Administration workers.

    November 10, 2011
  • Jane Oates, the assistant secretary for the Employment and Training Administration at the Labor Department, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss how a new veteran-specific job website works.

    November 10, 2011
  • The White House wants to carve out the prescription drug piece and give OPM the ability to negotiate prices through a third party. But experts say this change would cost employees more money and be the first step toward dismantling the entire Federal Employee Health Benefit program.

    November 10, 2011
  • Host Mike Causey will talk about the big issues facing federal employees with NARFE\'s David Snell and Federal Times staff writer Stephen Losey. November 9, 2011

    November 09, 2011
  • A plan to cut the Postal Service\'s costs so it can stay in business has passed the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Relations Committee. Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised a vote on the Senate floor as soon as possible, according to committee leaders.

    November 09, 2011
  • Agency issued a final rule today implementing the 2009 Executive Order requiring certain employees to be reexamined more often.

    November 09, 2011
  • Agency chief human capital officers showed support for the latest version of the federal jobs website despite its rocky launch. They thanked the Office of Personnel Management for frequent updates on fixes. The council gathered Tuesday for its annual public meeting.

    November 09, 2011
  • The use senior mentors — retired military officers or former high-level civilian officials hired as contractors — has dropped precipitously in the year and a half since the Defense Department instituted stiffer conflict-of-interest rules and a pay cap, according to an inspector general\'s report issued last week.

    November 09, 2011
  • Once you take the oath of office to Uncle Sam there are only three ways out ... and if you take the smart one, you could be in for some big surprises, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 09, 2011
  • Host Roger Waldron is joined by Jason Workmaster, Partner and McKenna, Long, & Aldridge LLP. They will discuss the latest news concerning the MAS program, and the mandatory disclosure rule. November 8, 2011

    November 08, 2011
  • Despite considerations to cut federal workforce sizes, three agencies\' staff have been growing in recent years.

    November 08, 2011
  • Nearly two years of negotiating has led to a stalemate between the Social Security Administration and its largest union, the American Federation of Government Employees. The protracted dispute mars the Obama administration\'s otherwise productive attempts to collaborate formally with federal unions.

    November 08, 2011