Bloomberg Government

  • Border. Budget. Border. Budget. If Congress sounds like a broken record, well it is. With two weeks to go before government funding lapses for many agencies, Congress did something to move the ball forward on Sunday. The Federal Drive with Tom Temin gets the latest from Bloomberg Government deputy news director Loren Duggan. 

    January 08, 2024
  • What a mess. Border security, foreign military aid, and the lack of a 2024 budget agreement have turned into a sort of Gordian Knot for Congress. Happy New Year indeed. For what could happen this week, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director Loren Duggan. 

    December 26, 2023
  • Congress is back from its Thanksgiving recess this week -- with not very much time to go before several different impending deadlines. We've talked a lot about the appropriations legislation that still needs to get done for 2024. But the deadlines for some key authorization bills are creeping up even faster. Loren Duggan is deputy news director at Bloomberg Government. He spoke with Federal News Network Deputy Editor Jared Serbu.

    November 27, 2023
  • It sure came fast. Just a workweek remaining until the continuing resolution expires. The fever is building on Capitol Hill to do something to avoid a government shutdown. For the latest, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke to Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director Loren Duggan. 

    November 13, 2023
  • Bloomberg Government predicts record contract spending, once Congress passes appropriations bills for 2024. It sees $762 billion in total procurement, including $113 billion for professional services. With how companies need to prepare, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin turned to federal sales and marketing consultant Larry Allen.

    November 07, 2023
  • The House of Representatives has a speaker, for now. That was a heavy lift. What comes next now that Capitol Hill is operational again. For this week's outlook, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Bloomberg Government deputy news director Loren Duggan.

    October 30, 2023
  • As the world turns, most of it is probably scratching its collective head at the United States Congress. As the latest crisis, Israel's war against terrorists, enters its second week, President Biden pledged support. So what can we expect this week on the Hill? For more on the matter, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talks with Zach Cohen, Bloomberg Government congressional reporter.

    October 16, 2023
  • Fiscal 2024 started off like most fiscal years, with a Continuing Resolution. The government is still spending, and contractors have lots of opportunities. For the top opportunities in the year ahead, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Bloomberg Government Senior Data Analyst Paul Murphy.

    October 06, 2023
  • To the surprise of just about everybody, the Federal Government is fully functional this Monday, October 2, 2023. Some surprise last-minute votes in both the House and Senate on Saturday happened just in time to get a continuing resolution (CR)to the president’s desk – just hours before much of the government was set to run out of appropriations.

    October 02, 2023
  • With government shutdown on everyone's mind, the Senate this week is trying to fashion a package of three bills. This as the House seems to be at war with itself. Well, one of the party's, at least. For a Capitol Hill update, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Loren Duggan, Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director.

    September 18, 2023
  • The Senate has returned to Washington. The House remains on recess for another week. Either way, Congress faces a haystack of work, and precious little time in the fiscal year to do it. For an update, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Bloomberg Government congressional reporter, Zach Cohen.

    September 05, 2023
  • Congress is still a couple of weeks away from returning to Washington. Still, pressure is building for members to resolve a difficult budget impasse, as the prospects for a lapse in appropriations also seem to grow.

    August 21, 2023
  • When Congress left for recess this month, it left lots of Defense Department questions up in the air. When it returns in September, it will have just a few short weeks before the end of the federal fiscal year.

    August 07, 2023
  • The House and Senate have a lot more to do for any chance of a budget by September 30. For one thing, the two chambers are $100 billion apart. This as they head out for a long August recess.

    July 31, 2023