Congressional Budget Office

Telework, federal telework

More House appropriators target federal telework, office space

The 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services and Education appropriations bill includes language specifically targeting federal telework reporting requirements.

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(Photo courtesy of the Government Accountability Office)advertising, duplicate government program, GAO, overlap of government p;rograms,GAO, intelligence oversight

Federal duplication and overlap: same story, bigger numbers

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(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)federal employees, pay

Another attempt to determine if federal employees are underpaid

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Sequestration’s head pops up, for a peek at continuing budget uncertainty

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Federal pay falls even further behind the private sector

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How servicemembers can get the most out of their pay

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How about evidence-based policy making not just for you, but for Congress?

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Agencies get first look into the 2022 Best Places to Work rankings

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Intelligence Congress Spanberger

The latest legislative attempt to get a better retirement deal for certain feds

Two Social Security provisions have long rankled federal employees and others in public service. One is called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)….

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Maybe the Holman rule should be renamed the ‘No man rule’

A very old congressional procedure known as the Holman Rule has popped up lately. It allows a House member to amend an appropriations bill so eliminate…

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US Congress Budget

House Republicans introduce plans to revive ‘Holman rule’ in Congress

The Holman rule gives lawmakers the ability to make changes to federal employees’ salaries and reduce agency staffing.

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