
(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Rawpixel Ltd)silhouettes of workers in an office

Nearly half of all civilian feds are new hires since 2019

Agencies hired more than 1 million federal employees since October 2019, and it’s almost an even split between competitive and excepted service.

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Graphic By: Derace Lauderdaleearly career, skills-based hiring,workforce, diversity

Federal workforce diversity still lagging in more senior roles

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House Appropriators, Federal workforce, Congress Debt Limit

The federal workforce is growing, as House appropriators consider agency spending cuts

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Which agencies are the biggest potential targets for union growth?

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Federal unions have a way to locate unrepresented employees, OPM says

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Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International.Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International.

Is federal HR really shrinking?

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