Raymond Limon

Office of Personnel ManagementPanel of awards winners discusses past and future goals for the CHCO Council at 20th anniversary celebration and awards ceremony.

After 20 years, CHCO Council eyes more reforms to federal human capital

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkADA, Return to Office

5 years later, MSPB releases results of federal sexual harassment study

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MSPB making ‘good headway’ through case backlog, acting chairwoman Harris says

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(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)Kiran Ahuja

OPM will reassume full control over CHCO Council, with efforts to elevate human capital group underway

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkMerit Systems Protection Board, files, seal, stack, papers

Biden at last announces two MSPB nominees, enough to restore a quorum

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/wildpixelConcept of unemployment and business downsizing symbol as a group of businesswomen and businessmen drawings being swept away by a broom as a symbol for employee reduction with 3D illustration elements.

VA, Interior detail workforce reductions and consolidations under gov’t reorganization

Both the Veterans Affairs and Interior Departments are moving federal employees out of Washington, D.C., and into consolidated regional offices.

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OPM pitches Hiring Excellence campaign as new solution to old problem

As part of the Hiring Excellence campaign, OPM is going on the road to speak with the federal HR community in the field. The goal is to better educate…

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Federal News Radio pinwheel icon

Small agencies’ sequestration plans build from budget frustrations

The congressional ritual of punting budget work into the next fiscal year has helped agencies prepare their workforces for sequestration. Managers have learned much over the past few years about preparing contingency plans.

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