Rob Shriver

AP Poll IVF Personhood

DOJ employees detail ‘excruciating’ IVF costs, push for more FEHB coverage

FEHB carriers already cover some costs of IVF-related drugs. But employee testimonials show many feds still have to pay the “lion’s share” out of pocket.

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‘We need to do more’ to close gender-based pay gap, OPM says

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Graphic By: Derace Lauderdaleearly career, skills-based hiring,workforce, diversity

Federal workforce diversity still lagging in more senior roles

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OPM, skills, federal HR employees

Early-career federal job openings seeing ‘renewed and increased’ interest, OPM’s Shriver says

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/mohd izzuanFEHB, OPM, GAO costs, Stethoscope and money on wooden table representing health care, FEHB plans.

Centralized FEHB database key to OPM cost savings, GAO says

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IVF, Invitro fertilization

Senate GOP blocks bill to expand IVF access as advocates call for better FEHB coverage

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(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)Congress

Former senior officials join rising calls for an alternative to Schedule F

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkFederal Workforce

Return-to-office review: Employees call for flexibility, while legislation lags

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OPM defends rule to hamper Schedule F’s return, backs telework amid return to office push

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Office of Personnel ManagementImage of OPM Acting Director Rob Shriver and U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Federal leaders unpack hybrid work’s link to mental health

In a hybrid work environment, federal employees’ mental health and well-being have become remarkably important, said U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jirsak)federal hiring

WH aims to transition nearly 100K federal IT jobs to skills-based hiring

The Biden administration sees skills-based hiring, as opposed to relying on college degrees, as the key to making up the cyber talent deficit.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/wildpixelImage representing concept of employees being fired through Schedule F.

Biden administration locks in plans aiming to block Schedule F for good

In an effort to prevent a Schedule F revival, OPM has published a final rule confirming workforce protections and appeals rights for career civil servants.

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