small business

  • With fewer government contracts coming down the pipeline, small and mid-sized contractors are feeling the pinch of sequestration. Should they diversify, cut staff or sit tight and hope that big contract is just around the corner? Federal News Radio examines these issues in part 6 of our special report, Private Side of Sequestration.

    July 31, 2013
  • As the first elements of sequestration's impact on the Defense industrial base begin to take shape, observers inside and outside the Pentagon worry about small businesses.

    July 31, 2013
  • The SBA updated regulations governing how small businesses represent their size and status in order to guard against businesses falsely representing themselves as "small" to garner government contracts.

    July 01, 2013
  • Nick Nayak, Kevin Boshears, and Peter Ko from the Department of Homeland Security will discuss how strategic sourcing has helped the agency achieve its small business goals. May 14, 2013

    May 14, 2013
  • While federal agencies are dealing with furloughs and tightening budgets, industry is also beginning to feel its effects. Small businesses will likely be hardest hit, says John Grobe, whose business is already being impacted on the government contracts side.

    May 01, 2013
  • Small firms already have taken a disproportionate hit from DoD's pullback in 2013 spending, Pentagon officials say. Military acquisition leaders worry the sudden cuts will bankrupt small businesses that provide one-of-a-kind capabilities.

    March 01, 2013
  • Guy Timberlake, co-founder and chief visionary officer of the American Small Business Coalition, says the top priority for small-business contracting companies should be better leveraging the resources already at their disposal.

    January 02, 2013
  • The Federal Acquisition Regulations Council's proposal would implement part of a July 2012 memo from the Office of Management and Budget. The memo directed agencies to take specific steps to ensure accelerated payments to small businesses.

    December 20, 2012
  • A new memo from acting OMB Director Jeff Zients to agency leaders codifies an interagency council to oversee the promotion and implementation of bulk buying. Each agency also must name a senior official to oversee their efforts.

    December 06, 2012
  • Federal agencies already have had a hard time meeting their goal to award 3 percent of contract dollars to small businesses located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone). But the 2010 Census wiped out more than 30 percent of the HUBZone companies certified by the Small Business Administration — leaving agencies searching for new firms and decertified firms trying to figure out what's next.

    October 11, 2012
  • The federal government as a whole has consistently missed its goal to award 23 percent of its contract dollars to small businesses. But the government also has examples of agencies bucking that trend. In part two of our special report, The Small Business Dilemma, Federal News Radio speaks with several agencies' about how they're succeeding in the small business contracting arena.

    October 10, 2012
  • As the biggest spender in the federal government, the Defense Department has the greatest potential to award contracts to small businesses. But the nature and breadth of defense contracts can leave out small firms. In part one of Federal News Radio's special report, The Small Business Dilemma, we examine how the Pentagon is taking steps to make it easier for small firms to do business with the department.

    October 09, 2012
  • Sarkis Tatigian enlisted in the Navy as a 17-year-old sailor in 1942. After the war, he continued his service to the department in various jobs in and out of uniform. Now, he is being recognized for his seven decades of dedication to the Navy.

    September 27, 2012
  • The Obama administration has pushed agencies to increase contracting opportunities with small business, most notably creating a governmentwide task force to share best practices. Yet the federal government on a whole has continued to miss its 23 percent small business contracting goal. Federal News Radio examines this issue as part of our special report, The Obama Impact: Evaluating the Last Four Years.

    September 20, 2012