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  • Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew said the White House will be less dictatorial and more collaborative in finding spending reductions that work for each agency, individually. Lew would not rule out further changes to federal employee pay and benefits. Agencies are encouraged to work with stakeholders, especially Congress, from the beginning of the process to what the cuts should be.

    September 28, 2011
  • Can you stand a little good news? Do you remember how to react to it? The good news is that health insurance premiums in the FEHBP are only going up an average of 3.8 percent next year. That\'s almost half the increase in 2011. Check out what you will be paying next year, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 28, 2011
  • Host John Gilroy will talk about different mobile operating systems, and how to manage them with MaaS360\'s Jeff Ward and Josh Lambert. September 27, 2011

    September 27, 2011
  • The Postal Service would get seven more weeks to pay a $5.5 billion debt to the Treasury under the continuing resolution passed Monday by the Senate. A House version includes the same provision. The bill is due on Friday.

    September 27, 2011
  • Host Roger Waldron will talk cybersecurity with John Hillen, president and chief executive officer of Sotera Defense Solutions. September 27, 2011(Encore presentation October 25, 2011)

    September 27, 2011
  • The two protestors said in court documents Interior has agreed to take steps to fix potential contracting issues. But the Justice Department disputed Google and Onix\'s claims saying no agreement has been reached. Interior hired Softchoice to provide Microsoft software for email and collaboration in the cloud almost a year ago.

    September 27, 2011
  • There will not be a government shutdown over the 2011 budget any time soon, but the near shutdown was a fight almost every inch of the way. But some feds are taking a more optimistic view.

    September 27, 2011
  • Congress narrowly avoided a government shutdown for now. But chances are we will be back to this same place next month, as the continuing resolution passed by Senate on Monday night lasts through Nov. 18. If a shutdown does occur, what should a government contractor do?

    September 27, 2011
  • The committee says the battery issue threatens battlefield effectiveness.

    September 27, 2011
  • Many cyber experts think Israel was behind the malware, possibly with some help from the U.S. But Rogachyov\'s comments were the first official statement from Russia blaming the US and Israel.

    September 27, 2011
  • President Obama awarded to 94 researchers the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers.

    September 27, 2011
  • Federal employees will see an average of 3.8 percent increase in healthcare premiums in 2012, the lowest rate hike since 2008 and about half of last year\'s increase. On average, enrollees with self-only coverage will pay $2.32 more per bi-weekly pay period, and enrollees with family coverage will pay $6.18 more, the Office of Personnel Management said.

    September 27, 2011
  • \"Data volumes are exploding. Budgets are shrinking. Join this discussion and learn how federal agencies are storing more, yet spending less on storage. If you need to cut your IT budget, doesn\'t it make sense to start with one of your biggest line items? Tune in as our panelists present real examples that show how agencies are containing large volumes while capturing savings—with storage that\'s faster, easier to manage, and more secure. Find out the keys to storage efficiency: buying less hardware, eliminating redundant data, streamlining backup/recovery, avoiding network or bandwidth upgrades, and reducing everyday operating costs.\"

    September 27, 2011
  • Ridgewell\'s Catering CEO Susan Lasz Kinkead\'s Chef/Owner Bob Kinkead Taste of DC CEO Steuart Martens Capital City Brewing\'s Mike McCarthy

    September 27, 2011