Acquisition Policy

  • A new memo details three classifications for the new contracting officer\'s representative position, which replaces the contracting officer\'s technical representatives as of Jan. 1. The goal is to improve acquisition oversight, especially of high risk contracts.

    September 16, 2011
  • The Office of Management and Budget has issued new guidance to agencies that would accelerate payments to small-business contractors. OMB Director Jacob Lew directed Executive Branch agencies to cut the payment processing time from 30 days to 15 days.

    September 15, 2011
  • Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee marked up the DHS Authorization bill, complete with 68 amendments. Among the changes approved is requiring the agency to have auditable financial records by 2016.

    September 15, 2011
  • Katherine Hammack is the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment.

    September 14, 2011
  • Defense contractor Lockheed Martin has submitted its proposal to modernize the Navy\'s shipboard computing system. The Navy will decide early next year if it will go with Lockheed\'s designs or proposals from competitor Northrop Grumman.

    September 14, 2011
  • Host Roger Waldron will talk about the procurement landscape with Al Burman, president of Jefferson Solutions and chairman of the Procurement Board Roundtable. September 13, 2011

    September 13, 2011
  • For a long time your agency has been limiting its horizons for saving money. Some good, old-fashioned money management philosophies could go a long way toward helping your agency cut costs.

    September 13, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: some agencies have netted extra cash from governmentwide acquisition contracts and furloughed FAA workers won\'t receive back pay under the latest House FAA funding reauthorization.

    September 13, 2011
  • GAO found four of six governmentwide acquisition contracts ended up with \'excess revenue\' for the agency in each of the last four years. GSA\'s schedules programs earned an extra $62 million a year, while Interior and NASA earned an extra $4.7 million and $1.7 million annually, respectively.

    September 12, 2011
  • Angela Styles, Partner at the law firm Crowell & Moring, and Al Burman, former OFPP Administrator, discuss the OFPP definitions published today in the Federal Register.

    September 12, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: The House attempts to stave off a shutdown by passing a stopgap bill early and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy issues final guidance on \"inherently governmental\" positions.

    September 12, 2011
  • The Office of Federal Procurement Policy makes eight changes to how agencies decide what work must be done by federal employees.

    September 09, 2011
  • The new policy letter will lay out eight changes to how agencies previously defined and managed inherently governmental work. Among the changes are a new list of jobs that must be done by federal employees and a checklist to determine which jobs are inherently government and which are closely associated or critical functions.

    September 09, 2011
  • Secretary Janet Napolitano said the agency has more important priorities than building the new consolidated headquarters — at least for now. The House cut all funding for the program, while the Senate included enough to complete the Coast Guard\'s new building.

    September 08, 2011