
  • The Defense Business Board’s task group examining the National Security Personnel System convenes a second day of hearings at the Hyatt Arlington hotel in Rosslyn this morning, this time to hear comments from DoD staff…

    June 26, 2009
  • Pay-for-performance within the federal government has been controversial for years. The Defense Department’s system — NSPS — has been the subject of endless debate since it began. Recently, DoD and OPM said they are taking…

    June 23, 2009
  • The Army has ordered its network managers to give soldiers access to social networking sites like Flickr, Twitter and yes, Facebook. The blog Danger Room says the move reverses years of blocking web 2-point-0 sites on military networks. Army public affairs has used social networking to share good stories about the work of its soldiers. Danger Room says the order does not include sites like MySpace, YouTube and Pandora. I\'m Max Cacas.

    June 12, 2009
  • The Government Accountability Office was tasked with checking on the use of ‘enhanced use leases’ by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is one way VA manages its ‘real property’ portfolio. We talked about it…

    June 12, 2009
  • Every four years, the Pentagon is tasked to produce a Quadrennial Defense Review. A big component of the forthcoming review will be the disposition of US forces overseas. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs…

    June 09, 2009
  • A series of hearings hosted by the Defense Acquisition Panel of the House Armed Services Committee is looking at making the acquisition process work better. Wednesday’s hearing was titled Coordinating Requirements, Budgets, and Acquisition: How…

    June 05, 2009
  • Rudy deLeon Head of new NSPS review task force Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) Heather Smith Executive Director, Rock the Vote Scott Paul Executive Director, Alliance for American Manufacturing

    June 04, 2009
  • It was the ride of a lifetime for National Security Correspondent J.J. Green. He recently got the chance to fly at 9 G’s with the Thunderbirds. He sat down with our own Jane Norris to…

    June 01, 2009
  • Of the places where virtual worlds technology is generating so much buzz, probably the most excitement comes in the area of education, especially distance learning.

    June 01, 2009
  • By Emily Jarvis Internet Editor The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter may be the last manned military aircraft developed in the United States. Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) made the comments on FederalNewsRadio’s Federal Drive with…

    May 27, 2009
  • Agencies making contract awards without fully understanding the contractor\'s past successes or failures. GAO makes six recommendations to improve and standardize the information.

    May 26, 2009
  • Advance research agency sees opportunity from Katrina, power blackout, other events to solve large-scale problems. Technologies are high risk, but high payoff.

    May 21, 2009
  • CONNECT, a free software that unites private and public health organizations with the federal government, is proving to be a valuable tool in the world of health information technology. Several federal agencies like the DOD,…

    May 20, 2009
  • So who in government would make a list of the 100 most creative people in business? Fast Company magazine has compiled their list — And yes, a government person did make the list… there at…

    May 20, 2009