Federal Insights

  • It\'s a saying many of us have grown to hate, but Apple\'s iPad really is being tested to see if it\'s \"good enough for government work.\"

    August 09, 2010
  • The Pentagon is demanding that online whistle-blower WikiLeaks return its trove of tens of thousands of leaked U.S. government documents and delete them from its website and records. The Associated Press reports Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell didn\'t say what efforts the Defense Department might be able to take to compel Wikileaks to comply. He told a Pentagon press conference that, at this point, the Pentagon is asking Wikileaks \"to do the right thing.\" Wikileaks posted nearly 77,000 classified military and other documents, mostly raw intelligence reports from Afghanistan, on its website July 25.

    August 05, 2010
  • Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) Arianna Huffington Co-Founder, The Huffington Post Danielle Brian Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight (POGO)

    August 05, 2010
  • Gen. John D. Lavelle has been vindicated 30 years after he died. He was an Air Force General who was stripped of two stars and removed from his command from his command in 1972 because of allegations that he ordered unauthorized bombings in North Vietnam and keep them secret. The Pentagon now says tapes from the Nixon Administration reveal he had permission to do so.

    August 05, 2010
  • 1500 people are dead in Pakistan because of flooding. The Pentagon is dispatching several helicopters from Afghanistan to help transport relief supplies and refugees in flood-ravaged Pakistan. Four CH-47 Chinooks Two UH-60 Black Hawks will be sent over. Bad weather hindered their arrival yesterday, but they are expected to begin their missions today. Pakistan has repeatedly rejected, at least publicly as U.S. military presence in Pakistan, but in cases like this the government has proven to be very receptive.

    August 05, 2010
  • Is the program to kill or capture terrorists working? A New York Times report seems to show some evidence it is. According to the NYT, American intelligence reporting has recently revealed growing examples of Taliban fighters who are fearful of moving into higher-level command positions because of these lethal operations.

    August 02, 2010
  • August 12th, 2010 at 11 AM How does one assure trust in Cyberspace? As citizens, government, and business enterprise increase the amount of information that is shared online, fundamental questions arise around security requirements, data and identity management, and infrastructure. Trusted online environments can reduce costs, expand services, and are critical to protecting how, and to whom, information is shared. Securing identities in transactions is an essential component to building trusted online systems and a critical priority for both business and government. As online information sharing and collaborative services evolve between people and technologies, will trust emerge as the next \"Killer App\"?

    August 02, 2010
  • Teleworkers work more efficiently. Now there\'s a way to spend that paycheck more efficiently too.

    July 30, 2010
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the U.S. to protect any individuals who might be at risk after the Wikileaks War Dairies leaks. He also said the military was reviewing its rules for safeguarding classified information. He called it a \"mountain of raw data\" that didn\'t shed new light on U.S. policy but he and experts say it could help the Taliban Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullen said that Wikileaks \"might already have on their hands the blood of a young soldier or that of an Afghan family.\"

    July 30, 2010
  • August 2nd and 4th How is DC delivering human services and taking care of homeless vets? We will explore these issues and more with Clarence Carter.

    July 29, 2010
  • July 26th and 28th Information dominance is about using information and data to prevent conflicts or win in a crisis.

    July 29, 2010
  • Susan Grundmann Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board Arnold Scott AFGE 6th District National Vice President Andrew McAfee Author of \"Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization\'s Toughest Challenges\" Perry Hooks President, Hooks Book Events

    July 29, 2010
  • Difficult but the war in Afghanistan can succeed. The words of Richard Holbrook, the top U.S envoy in Afghanistan and Pakistan yesterday before Congress at an oversight hearing on money being spent on the nine year old war in Afghanistan. Lawmakers expressed concern about corruption that\'s eaten up millions of dollars. Holbrooke said this is the toughest job he\'s ever had.

    July 29, 2010
  • The Defense Department says an investigation has identified dozens of members of the military and defense contractors that have allegedly obtained child pornography. Many of those involved are said to have access to top secret information. Some of those implicated to are connected to the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Security Agency. The Boston Globe first reported the story after obtaining documents through the Freedom of Information Act. Some have already been prosecuted.

    July 26, 2010