
  • Sabrina Segal is one of seven winners of Federal News Radio\'s 2010 Causey Awards. Segal was nominated for developin a wiki to assist in the ethical decision making of her fellow attorneys.

    May 21, 2010
  • Dr. Susan Clayton, HR Specialist, Internal Revenue Service, was nominated for identifying and evaluating emerging and experienced leaders within the IRS\' succession and leadership programs.

    May 21, 2010
  • Beverly Malone, with the Internal Revenue Service, was nominated for a Causey Award for creating a mentoring program for the wounded soldiers to gain work experience with the IRS prior to transitioning out of military service.

    May 21, 2010
  • Karin O\'Leary, with the Department of Justice, was nominated for a Causey Award for the new recruitment processes she developed to improve employee retention.

    May 21, 2010
  • Federal News Radio has chosen seven winners for its inaugural Causey Awards. The awards honor their outstanding achievements and important contributions in the Human Capital Management field in 2009.

    May 21, 2010
  • Jennie Liming, with the General Services Administration\'s Federal Acquisition Service, was nominated for a Causey Award for her work creating, implementing, and managing a program to develop entry-level employees.

    May 21, 2010
  • Elizabeth (Kitty) Wooley, with the Department of Education, was nominated for a Causey Award for the unique ways she created for federal managers to collaborate on best practices.

    May 20, 2010
  • Sabrina Segal, with the U.S. Agency for International Development, was nominated for a Causey Award for her development of a wiki to assist in the ethical decision making of her fellow attorneys.

    May 20, 2010
  • Neil Barofsky, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, was nominated for a Causey Award for building the TARP office from the ground up.

    May 19, 2010
  • His conviction that the Treasury\'s debt office was on the verge of disaster much like 2005 when the Federal Emergency Management Agency was ill-equipped to handle Hurricane Katrina led him to push for a complete overhaul of the risk management tools used to issue the national debt. Meet Karthik Ramanathan: SAMMIE finalist.

    May 17, 2010
  • Jennie Liming is one of seven winners of Federal News Radio\'s 2010 Causey Awards. Liming was nominated for creating, implementing, and managing a program to develop entry-level employees at GSA.

    May 14, 2010
  • The Service to America Medals (Sammies) awards program pays tribute to America\'s dedicated federal workforce, highlighting those who have made significant contributions to our country. Max Stier, President of the Partnership for Public Service, gives us a preview of today\'s announcement

    May 05, 2010
  • Dr. Ian Spielman pioneered a new area of research in government that’s helping scientists understand crucial, but currently intractable, mysteries of physics — like an explanation of something called high-temperature superconductivity.Spielman is a Physicist at…

    August 19, 2009
  • You’re driving a cooler and more eco-friendly federal fleet today, at least when it comes to air conditioning. That’s in part because of 26-year old Kristen Taddonio. Her work as Director of Climate Choice at…

    July 29, 2009