
  • Friday was a good day for feds. They found out they will receive a bonus holiday at Christmas. But will this week bring more holiday joy or will Scrooge show up in the form of a government shutdown, asks Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    December 08, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    December 06, 2014
  • Jenny Mattingley hosts a roundtable discussion with federal CIOs and CTOs, about how their jobs have changed over the years, and the future opportunities and challenges they see on the horizon. December 5, 2014

    December 05, 2014
  • President Barack Obama signed an executive order closing all executive branch offices and agencies on Friday, Dec. 26, creating a four-day weekend for most federal employees.

    December 05, 2014
  • After receiving 4,000 more retirement claims in October than it expected to, the Office of Personnel Management received 2,000 fewer than it expect to in the month of November.

    December 05, 2014
  • After a 40-year career in government, Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness Jessica Wright announced her retirement to President Obama and DoD Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday. As under secretary, Wright oversaw personnel matters for DoD's workforce and called for reforms to stop sexual assaults in the military.

    December 05, 2014
  • The National Park Service is putting in place 81 energy efficiency and water conservation projects in parks throughout the D.C. metropolitan area. Lisa Mendelson is the Acting Regional Director for the National Capital Region at the National Park Service. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with details the scope of the project that will install new intelligent bulbs, sprinklers and solar power across the region's hundreds of parks and landmarks in 2015.

    December 04, 2014
  • Hundreds of thousands of federal employees deemed essential during the 2013 government shutdown will be receiving a legal notice if they are entitled to join a multimillion dollar lawsuit against the government. To win a settlement, the employee must join the class action suit. Heidi Burkiewicz is a partner with Mehri & Skalet, the law firm handling this case. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to talk about the lawsuit and what it means if you are classified as essential.

    December 04, 2014
  • Office of Federal Procurement Policy administrator Anne Rung has released a memo detailing a road map to create a new model for federal contracting. The administration will expand the concept of category management across the government, while also developing a cadre of IT acquisition experts and revamping the government's relationship with its vendors.

    December 04, 2014
  • Walton Francis, author of the Consumers' CHECKBOOK Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees, answers your calls and emails about health plans available during FEHBP open season. December 3, 2014

    December 03, 2014
  • The House and Senate Armed Services committee members agreed to keep a pared down version of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act in the final National Defense Authorization Act.

    December 03, 2014
  • After at least two leading candidates took their names out of contention for Defense Secretary, the President turned to Ashton Carter, a former deputy secretary. Carter first worked as a civilian analyst in the 1970s, and holds degrees in physics and medieval history. He held policy positions in both the Clinton and Obama adminsitrations. What can the military expect from a Secretary Carter? Former Senator Jim Talent, now a senior fellow and director of the National Security 2020 Project at the American Enterprise Institute, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss.

    December 03, 2014
  • The Education Department offers a series of programs to improve employee engagement and leadership training. Quay Crowner, Education's acting deputy chief administration officer and HR director, said there is an increased emphasis across the agency to better take care of the employees.

    December 03, 2014
  • One of the newest hires at your agency could be someone that hasn't had a job in a long time. The Office of Personnel Management is helping agencies find and recruit people who haven't had a job in a while to help the long-term unemployment rate. Jim Hagy is a director for Deloitte's Department of Defense Human Capital practice. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he offered some other human capital management strategies.

    December 02, 2014