
  • In the D.C. area, the main problem commuters have morning and evening is other commuters. But out in the real world — Alaska, Puerto Rico, Oregon and California — there are other traffic problems ranging from intransigent moose to gangbangers, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So how do you make it?

    September 09, 2013
  • it's a scream!

    September 07, 2013
  • Author John Maclean will discuss his latest book on the 2006 Esperanza Fire in southern California. September 6, 2013

    September 06, 2013
  • Congress returns to work today with a crowded agenda and little time. Lawmakers must come to agreement on 2014 funding before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30 or risk a government shutdown. Also on the agenda: coming up with an alternative to the automatic spending constraints known as sequestration and negotiating a raise in the government's borrowing limit. There are also other measures affecting federal employees that remain to be worked out, including legislation to overhaul the cash-strapped Postal Service and a potential 1 percent pay raise for civilian federal workers.

    September 06, 2013
  • Everybody knows that sequestration has saved the taxpayers a bundle of money, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But is there a downside, in addition to the furloughs, appeals and angst? How is it where you are?

    September 06, 2013
  • Federal employees can start donating to the more than 4,000 charities under the Combined Federal Campaign. One of the goals of the CFC is to increase the number of people giving to charities, not just reaching a dollar threshold.

    September 05, 2013
  • The Office of Personnel Management processed more retirement applications than expected last month -- for the first time since April. The enhanced processing power is thanks to a year-end budget review that allowed OPM to restore limited overtime for employees working in its Retirement Services Offices, OPM said. The agency had suspended employee overtime beginning in April, citing the automatic budget cuts known as sequestration.

    September 05, 2013
  • Like everything else, the Pentagon expects to cut procurement and research spending under a second year of sequestration. But DoD's acquisition chief said modernization programs will be a bill-payer for other areas of spending that are harder to reduce quickly.

    September 05, 2013
  • Joe Jordan, the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, issued a memo requiring civilian agencies to use the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System to track how acquisition workers are meeting certification requirements. Agencies have several deadlines over the next year to input data into the system.

    September 05, 2013
  • Want to know the size of the next federal pay raise? Your best bet is to take $20, or the going rate, and find yourself a first-class tarot card reader. If she deals you the Ace of Pentacles you will be in the money, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 05, 2013
  • NARFE's David Snell will discuss the impact of a proposed change to how federal retirees' cost-of-living adjustments are calculated. September 4, 2013

    September 04, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" four AFGE members discuss their commitment to federal service and challenges they face in the workplace. TSA Local 778 EVP Bobby Newsome, Council of Prison Locals National Fair Practices Coordinator Sandy Parr, VA Local 2241 Women's Coordinator Marva Newell and National Council of SSA Field Operations Locals Regional VP David Sheagley share their stories on the benefits and challenges of federal service.

    September 04, 2013
  • A bevy of issues has piled up on lawmakers' to-do list, including fiscal 2014 funding and a pay raise for federal employees. But they don't have much time to act. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), whose district includes many federal employees and contractors, tells Federal News Radio the climate of uncertainty is having a negative impact on both groups.

    September 04, 2013
  • On this week's edition of Agency of the Month, Navy Rear Admiral Sean Buck, director of the 21st Century Sailor Office, joins host Sean McCalley to discuss the prevention of sexual assaults and suicides within the Defense Department.

    September 04, 2013