
  • Benefits expert and federal career specialist John Grobe, offers advice on how to get a job in the federal government. December 26, 2012

    December 26, 2012
  • The agency issued the Federal Supervisory Training Framework that details three levels of competencies for new or existing managers. The guidance is one of several initiatives OPM put forward over the past few years to improve employee leadership skills.

    December 26, 2012
  • For years, politicians from both parties have threatened to trim federal benefits, like retirement and health insurance, but nothing has happened. In today's guest column, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks benefits expert John Grobe to talk about the history and future of federal benefits.

    December 26, 2012
  • Carolyn Alston and Bill Gormley from the Coalition for Government Procurement will discuss the procurement highlights and lowlights in 2012. December 25, 2012 (Encore presentation January 1, 2013)

    December 26, 2012
  • Whatever your reason for working this holiday, be assured that Senior Correspondent Mike Causey feels your pain, but thankfully from afar.

    December 25, 2012
  • The second most trying time in government starts today and runs through the start of the new year. It is a time when many offices are deserted and those with people resemble the Village of the Damned. Check it out, if you dare, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    December 24, 2012
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development ranked at only number 20 this year on The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

    December 21, 2012
  • Federal employees got the news they were waiting for today. The White House announced they'll be given the day off on Monday, Dec. 24, giving them a four-day weekend many had been hoping for.

    December 21, 2012
  • The Thursday morning news seemed too good to be true, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. A major D.C. newspaper was reporting that federal workers would get Monday Dec. 24, the day before Christmas, off. The word spread quickly until people read the fine print. And the name of the president.

    December 21, 2012
  • The Obama administration offered agencies new guidance on sequestration, telling agency leaders and federal-employee unions that sequestration won't have an immediate impact on the federal workforce or government operations even if the automatic budget cuts go into effect Jan. 2.

    December 20, 2012
  • Congress has cleared the way for a $633 billion defense policy bill that includes mandated reductions to the Defense Department's civilian and contractor workforces. Leaders of a House-Senate conference committee, tasked with reconciling competing versions of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, included in the final report the automatic workforce reductions that opponents say would result in about 36,000 job losses.

    December 19, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) discusses the sacrifices made by federal employees toward reducing the nation's deficit while AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. outlines the union's 2013 agenda. AFGE Defense Conference Chair Don Hale details the impact sequestration would have on civilian Defense Department workers.

    December 19, 2012
  • Defense analyst Jim McAleese reviews the Defense Authorization Bill agreed on by both the Senate and the House yesterday. OPM Director John Berry says proposed rules to implement phased retirement are on the fast track. Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) discusses changes that will make it easier for feds to telework. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) talks about benefits that will help retain federal employees. Vivian Reifberg of McKinsey & Co. talks about why the current administrative transition is so important. Alex Bolton of The Hill discusses the fiscal cliff negotiations.

    December 19, 2012
  • Director John Berry said the agency's Innovation Lab is helping to take a different, more rapid approach to developing the proposed rule to implement the new program. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) also is suggesting the creation of a "leave bank" for workers who leave federal service but plan to return. Berry said that's an innovative idea OPM may look at.

    December 19, 2012