
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 09, 2012
  • Host Roger Waldron talks about the key procurement issues with Joe Hornyak, partner at Holland & Knight LLP. May 8, 2012

    May 09, 2012
  • The number of federal workers who retired last year was up big-time. Many experts thought the long-awaited retirement tsunami was upon us, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Until last month when it slowed dramatically. So what does that mean for you?

    May 08, 2012
  • Professional Services Council President and CEO Stan Soloway will talk contracting with host Mark Amtower. May 7, 2012

    May 07, 2012
  • The Submarine Learning Center, at the Naval Submarine Base New London, has won a LEED silver award for being green. The center's headquarters uses geothermal heating a cooling systems and is built out of recycled building materials.

    May 07, 2012
  • As part of the annual Defense authorization bill, House lawmakers will take up a provision designed to let federal employees gain experience and share expertise while working temporarily in other agencies.

    May 07, 2012
  • After more than two years of tough negotiations, the Social Security Administration and its largest union, The American Federation of Government Employees, have signed off on final contract. The contract includes changes to office travel and vision benefits.

    May 07, 2012
  • The Telework Exchange released a report last week saying that feds who participated in the 2012 Telework Week saved more than $5.6 million. The report not only showed a greater adoption of teleworking, but that feds were leading the way.

    May 07, 2012
  • The Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals — or Sammies — recognize federal employees who have gone above and beyond in their work. This year, 33 feds were named finalists in eight categories. Federal News Radio will be interviewing the finalists in the coming weeks.

    May 07, 2012
  • The Partnership for Public Service announced the 33 finalists contending for Service to America Medals for 2012.

    May 07, 2012
  • When government workers foul up we know their name, rank and serial number, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But when someone in the media makes an inexcusable 'mistake' his — or her — name is kept secret for privacy reasons. So, what's wrong with this picture?

    May 07, 2012
  • Every week, Federal News Radio's Ruben Gomez speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    May 05, 2012
  • Host Derrick Dortch is joined by Evan Lesser, founder of They will discuss a new survey conducted by the organization. May 4, 2012(Encore presentation May 25, 2012)

    May 05, 2012
  • National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund chairman Craig Floyd and David Weisz from Motorola Solutions, join host Debra Roth to talk about 2012 National Police Week and the latest on the National Law Enforcement Museum. May 4, 2012

    May 04, 2012