
  • The federal government needs to hire 30,000 cybersecurity professionals. But does anybody out there want the jobs? That\'s what the Government Accountability Office is trying to find out

    September 01, 2011
  • Mary Mitchell, of The Mitchell Organization, a training and consulting practice, joined the Federal Drive to discuss ways to defuse workplace tension.

    September 01, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: GSA seeks to dispel myths about its green contracting rules, OPM prepares to revamp its federal jobs website and new job-creating guidelines for agencies from the White House.

    September 01, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management will roll out the latest version of the Web portal in October. OPM said will protect applicant data better and will make it easier for agencies to mine data, create reports and refine their recruitment strategies.

    September 01, 2011
  • When it comes to politics are federal workers, postal employees and government retirees mostly Democrats, Republicans or Independents. Unions representing feds are solidly in the Democratic camp. But what about members and non members they represent, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders?

    September 01, 2011
  • The Missouri Democrat said the Pentagon needs to hire and improve training of contracting officers. She said the $31 billion in waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan should be a wake-up call for Congress to better fund the acquisition workforce.

    August 31, 2011
  • Military widows and spouses of disabled veterans will be able to take all the time they need to apply for federal jobs under a special hiring exemption. The current two-year limit on spouses\' noncompetitive hiring authority expires at the end of September.

    August 31, 2011
  • The Federal Trade Commission is using enterprise architecture make its technology backbone faster, more efficient and able to run mobile devices.

    August 31, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: OPM announced that despite the weak economy, agency incentive payments to recruit and retain workers actually increased. Plus, the Commission on Wartime Contracting releases its final report and the head of the ATF bureau steps down after a controversial gun-loan program comes to light.

    August 31, 2011
  • A new Office of Personnel Management report showed that agency use of recruitment, relocation and retention incentives rose 22 percent in 2009, the Obama administration\'s first year. That\'s a slower rate of growth than in previous years. But it indicates that the government still relies on one-time payments to lure or keep nurses, engineers and others with needed skills.

    August 30, 2011
  • Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller\'s talks to Houston Taylor, Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Acquisition Management at the General Services Administration, about the agency\'s new contracting vehicle called Integrations.

    August 30, 2011
  • Days after Hurricane Irene blew through the East Coast, some federal buildings along the East Coast remain closed Tuesday

    August 30, 2011
  • A new report from the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton examines the federal reorganizations after 9/11 that created DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report said the creation of the two huge federal entities offers \"cautionary tale\" in management and leadership.

    August 30, 2011
  • Debra Roth, with Shaw Branford and Roth, joined the Federal Drive to discuss the lawsuits against Booz Allen Hamilton alleging sex discrimination, as well as the rules for federal employees.

    August 30, 2011