2013 Causey Award Winner – Ronald Loube

Ronald Loube was nominated for a Causey Award for his design and development of an in-house training program called The FDA Acquisition Academy.

Ronald Loube
Procurement Analyst-Acquisition Career Manager
Food and Drug Administration

Ronald Loube was nominated for a Causey Award for his design and development of an in-house training program called The FDA Acquisition Academy.

Read what the nominator had to say about Ronald Loube.

Judges’ Comments:

  • He saved money by bringing acquisition training in-house.
  • He is saving the taxpayers money by deriving the best value for the goods and services.
  • Nominee developed a training solution to support consistency and competencies for acquisition workforce
  • .

Listen to our full interview with Ronald Loube on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp.


Federal News Radio asked each Causey Award Winner to answer 10 questions about him or herself so that we could learn a little bit more about them. Here’s what Ronald Loube had to say:

  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

    Never stop learning and always look for ways to improve.

  2. What is the worst piece of advice you have ever received?

    Not to pursue my dream – just because it seemed unreachable.

  3. Who has been your biggest role model, and why?

    My dad. He taught me the most important thing in life is family.

  4. If I could have one super power it would be …

    The ability to heal. After the last two years, I would be a busy man.

  5. In my opinion …

    Everyone has one. BUT, if you have issues with management or your organization, while it’s OK to speak up, don’t speak disparagingly or insultingly. Instead, effectively communicate your issues. Understand you have the ability to shape your surroundings and professional destiny. Reputation is too valuable. It will either open or close doors of professional opportunity.

  6. If you didn’t work for the federal government, what would be your dream job?

    My dream job would be a pediatrician with enough time to also coach (which I currently do) youth soccer. I always had a passion to help others. And, if not a doctor, then a teacher – I definitely can get used to having summers off.

  7. If resources were not an issue, I would motivate my staff with …

    Workplace perks and, to a certain extent, salary do not necessarily improve retention. In today’s culture of bashing feds, it’s never been more important to motivate staff. Often, the manager-employee relationship is the difference between keeping or losing your workforce. I found it’s important to keep work both fun and challenging. The simple things, e.g., public recognition, and even a simple thank you, go a long way towards motivating staff. Then again – even a small amount of money does talk.

  8. The greatest federal HR challenge is …

    Ability to follow through all the great ideas, without the resources to bring them to fruition. From an acquisition perspective, the number one challenge is training the acquisition workforce (this includes program officials) to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to spend taxpayer funds wisely and fairly.

  9. What is the last book you read?

    Robert Kirkman’s “The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury.”

  10. I’d rather be …

    Back on the cruise ship when it’s not raining.

Federal News Radio awarded five individuals with a 2013 Causey Award. Read more about each of the recipients.

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