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A moratorium on Senior Executive Service appointments takes place when the head of your agency leaves. Essentially, that imposes a hiring freeze on the very top level of your agency. Jeri Buchholz, strategic business development adviser at FMP Consulting and former chief human capital officer for NASA, has a five-step plan to help you minimize the impact of the moratorium. She shared that plan on In Depth with Francis Rose.
Jeri Buchholz, a strategic business development adviser for FMP Consulting and former chief human capital officer at NASA, tells federal leaders how to prepare for a moratorium at their agencies.
The federal human resources community is losing a key member. Jeri Buchholz, the NASA chief human capital officer and assistant administrator for human capital management, is retiring on July 31. She is moving to industry…
Political leaders of all stripes have long called for reforming the Senior Executive Service. But what if instead of fixing the SES' current problems, the government wiped the slate clean and started from scratch? In part four of Federal News Radio's special report, Fixing the SES, current and former members of the service discuss what the key ingredients would be in a new SES recipe.
Does the federal government hold members of the Senior Executive Service accountable for their actions? In part three of Federal News Radio's special report, Fixing the SES, current and former senior executives respond candidly to the criticism.
Political leaders from both the White House and Congress are offering up ways to improve the SES. The latest in our special report, Fixing the SES, is "Why We Stay: SES In Their Own Words." Jeri Buchholz, an SES member and chief human capital officer at NASA, is taking an enterprise-wide view of the system. She tells Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp, the SES has its faults but it's essential to the government.
The SES has lost its luster in recent years, in part because of constrained program budgets, increased scrutiny from Congress, and a sense among members that political appointees are assuming more of the leadership responsibilities once reserved for them. In part two of our special report, Fixing the SES, five Senior Executive Service members tell Federal News Radio why they choose to stay in the service, and why they believe the SES may have its faults, but it's not broken.
Thanks to big data, agencies are learning where their skills gaps are. To close them, they'll have to get around some archiac personnel regulations, according to a panel of experts on the Federal Drive.
With the new year and a new Congress getting underway, the possibilities seem limitless. We're going to spend the next hour talking about people. Specifically, the human capital management questions that vex the government. Engagement, pay and benefits, whether federal employees get the recognition and respect they deserve. Danny Werfel, a long-time career employee and former acting IRS Commissioner is now with the Boston Consulting Group. Jeri Buchholz, is NASA's chief human capital officer. Angela Bailey is the chief operating officer of the Office of Personnel Management. They joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on a special bonus hour of the Federal Drive to explore those issues and try to come up with a few answers.
We get the inside scoop from some of this year's award winners.
The Chief Human Capital Officers Council, working with representatives of labor unions and managers' associations, is trying to give agencies tools to boost employee engagement following three years of declining scores on the governmentwide employee viewpoint survey.
Federal News Radio's survey of agency chief human capital officers and deputy CHCOs finds that employee engagement and supervisor training are among the most common ways they are improving the morale of the workforce. NASA CHCO Jeri Buchholz said training of these supervisors is key to making agencies run more smoothly.
NASA Chief Human Capital Officer Jeri Buchholz joins Federal News Radio for a free online chat. View an archived version of the discussion now.
Telework and a strong technology infrastructure could be the best way to find and keep talented employees at your agency. That's according to a Federal News Radio survey of chief human capital officers across the federal government. Jeri Buchholz, NASA's chief human capital officer, joined Federal News Radio's Jason Miller and Francis Rose to discuss the results of the survey and NASA's new culture strategy to tackle those challenges. Read Jason's related article and view the full survey results.