Tom Devine

(Getty Images/iStockphoto/wildpixel)whistleblower

Federal employees have some of the worst whistleblower protections in the country, advocates say

Whistleblower protections for federal employees are some of the worst in the U.S. labor market, advocates say, and they see recent bipartisan legislation…

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Whistleblower Protection – Where We Stand 243 Years After the First Whistleblower Law

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AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivaiscoronavirus

New accountability office hasn’t made a dent in VA’s ‘culture of retaliation,’ whistleblowers say

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Federal whistleblowers face ‘best and worst’ of times, expert says

Tom Devine of the Government Accountability Project told a House subcommittee Tuesday that some agencies are circumventing the protections provided by…

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Tom Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project

The Supreme Court has dealt a victory for federal whistleblowers. It recently ruled that anything government employees say in court under oath is protected…

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Don’t treat whistleblowers like the plague

When federal whistleblowers report wrongdoing at their agencies it’s usually out of a sense of loyalty to the mission. So, why is it that they are sometimes shunned, or worse, for bringing issues of waste, fraud and abuse to the surface? In a column for Federal News Radio’s special report, Trust Redefined: Reconnecting Government and Its Employees, Tom Devine of the Government Accountability Project explains why he believes whistleblowers should be embraced.

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