Dov Zakheim, Senior Advisor, Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Defense Department could look a lot different if sequestration continues past fiscal 2015. DoD would invest $66 billion less in procurement and research and...

The Defense Department could look a lot different if sequestration continues past fiscal 2015. DoD would invest $66 billion less in procurement and research and cut 17 joint strike fighters. The Air Force would drop its entire fleet of KC-10 tankers. The Navy would sideline six destroyers. In Depth with Francis Rose asked Dov Zakheim, senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former Defense Department Comptroller, if the new Pentagon report is a serious strategy document or a scare tactic.

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    Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Force

    Air Force secretary ‘confident’ there’s enough support for service’s ongoing overhaul amid election uncertainty

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