
  • Host Bill Bransford hosts a roundtable discussion of a recent report on law enforcement officer fatality rates. January 11, 2013

    January 11, 2013
  • In a new report, the Government Accountability Office found tighter budgets in recent years have constrained agencies' ability to maintain and repair historic buildings and that poor data practices have led to inconsistent and erroneous information on a database designed to track federal properties.

    January 11, 2013
  • Defense Deputy Secretary Ashton Carter told DoD components Thursday to draw up plans for full-year continuing resolution, plus sequestration. The approach to deal with across-the-board cuts would be to freeze civilian hiring, cut training, travel and conferences and reduce business technology expenditures.

    January 11, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" TSA Local 1230 President James Mudrock discusses the union's successful efforts to halt a privatization initiative at the Sacramento International Airport. Women's Campaign Fund and She Should Run President and CEO Siobhan "Sam" Bennett, Economic Policy Institute President Larry Mishel and AFGE Member Benefits Coordinator Mark Williams also appear.

    January 09, 2013
  • Federal News Radio wants to know what morale is like in your federal office. We're also looking for your opinion on leaders in federal service. Take our brief survey today!

    January 09, 2013
  • The agency raised the rate for using a privately owned vehicle to $0.565 per mile. Rates for airplane travel and motorcycles also went up.

    January 08, 2013
  • Since the dawn of civilization, mankind (and womankind too) has been vexed by two burning questions: Is there sex after marriage and is their life after retirement? For the correct answer check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's Federal Report today.

    January 08, 2013
  • Bill Dougan, the president of the National Federation of Federal Employees, says Congress and the White House shouldn't make federal employees have to wait for a raise.

    January 07, 2013
  • From tightened purse strings to a rapidly retiring workforce, federal agencies face a potential witches' brew when it comes to maintaining employee motivation, the Merit Systems Protection Board found in a new report. While overall motivation levels remain high, MSPB pointed to two potential gaps: Many federal employees do not feel all that motivated by the specific characteristics of their jobs, and they increasingly feel that job performance is disconnected from reward.

    January 07, 2013
  • Fewer federal employees filed for retirement in December than in any other month in 2012, according to the Office of Personnel Management. Even with the fewer than expected number of claims, however, the agency failed to meet its goal of processing 11,500 claims, instead clocking in just 10,454.

    January 07, 2013
  • Jimmy Christianson of the Associated General Contractors of America discusses government construction projects currently underway. Billy House of the National Journal talks about an article he wrote on the new Congress. Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, talks about GSA's Multiple Awards Schedule. Tim Solms of Microsoft discusses a new deal his company signed with DoD. Lisa Wolfe of Federal News Radio sheds light on a new website for federal job seekers. Brian Friel of Bloomberg Government talks about the new bill providing federal Sandy relief spending.

    January 07, 2013
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey ponders whether the prospect of a March pay raise - after two years in the deep freeze - makes you giddy with excitement. Have you already started planning on what you will do with that extra dollar a day?

    January 07, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    January 05, 2013
  • Host Derrick Dortch will discuss the latest federal hiring issues with Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies. January 4, 2013(Encore presentation January 18, 2013)

    January 04, 2013